Gwinnett Tech - Microbiology

U.S.A. Georgia


For those of you who have taken micro at Gwinnett Tech can you recommend a good professor?

My school's schedule will not work for me and I really need to get it done.

I'd like to finish micro in the summer (no sure if Gwinnett offers it), but please let me know about the professors that offer it.


This is really helpful. I'm still considering going into either the 2 yr or the 4 yr program. If I choose to do the 4yr program i have GA State in mind and i will be required to take chem 1151 1& 2 with the lab and that is freaking me out. I will also be required to take history and political science. I'm very open to either of the programs though. I still have to take microbiology, Eng 1102 and Speech and i've already registered for all three classes to take in the spring quarter starting this monday. I know my thoughts are very disorganized here and that's exactly what's going through my mind right now and I need help to keep my plans organized.

1. How will it be like to take microbiology, Eng 1102 (literature) and Speech? Will I be successful?

(I'm not working right now)

2.Will I succeed if I take history and political science in the short summer quarter?

3. Will I succeed If I take Chem 1 and 2 at the same time in the fall?

In addition to all this chaos I also have the TEAS exams to prepare for and I hope to get all this done by the end of the year. Thanks in advance for all your meaningful thoughts.

1. I usually take 3 classes at a time. Speech at GTC is actually a lot of work (not hard, just time consuming), so be prepared. I took it at the same time as micro though, and it wasn't a problem. I also took Sociology, which was just once a week, at the same time. I don't know how that English course will be. I took something else instead, because I was annoyed that all of the English coursework from my BA didn't transfer over. Maybe find out how much work it is compared to Speech.

2. Haven't taken either History or Poly Sci at GTC, so I can't say. The general education coursework has been pretty easy at GTC, though, so I can't see either of those being super difficult over the summer quarter.

3. I wouldn't take 2 sciences at the same time ever, unless you are EXTREMELY turned toward science. I'm not sure if you'd be able to take Chem 1 and 2 at the same time anyway, because that sounds like a sequence to me. But a lot of people have a really hard time maintaining their grades with taking A&P 2 and Micro together, so I'd just avoid taking any two sciences together. Pace'll benefit so much more from pacing than getting everything done at once in the end. And you won't burn out, either.

The history classes at GTC are very manageable. If you choose to do this during the short summer session, then you'll have 4 tests and no exams. I took world hist 2 last quarter and it was very long as you take good notes. If your needing a history class, then I highly recommend GTC. I don't know anything about the political science class...

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