Georgia Highlands Fall '08

U.S.A. Georgia


Hey y'all! Is anyone applying to/accepted to/attending GA Highlands for Fall '08? I'm about to submit my app to the school and then as soon as my acceptance letter is in, send all my stuff to the nursing program for consideration. Fingers crossed! Also, is there anyone out there that is currently in the program? If so, how has your experience been and what kind of classes did you have completed and what GPA did you have that granted you admission to the program? Thanks so much!

Hey there - what campus rome/cartersville and what instructor do you have?? I will know better how to answer your question:nuke:

I'm going to be at the Rome campus and it's Prof. N.H. that's teaching...not sure if you will know those initials but I think we're not supposed to use names on here. Let me know if you need me to p.m. you the whole name. Thanks so much!

OK, here is what I will say. You are very lucky - although you may not think so. Tough instructor but wants you to learn, and learn you do as long as you put time into studying. Humor is dry and many did not get it but I did and was very funny!! Enjoyed the class thoroughly even though it busted my but and I hope that you do also!!

I took this class during summer session and the friday before my 2nd lab I had emergency appendectomy. Class and lab were on Monday and I skipped class but drove myself 1 hour to lab as there are points for attendance in lab and I knew I would need all the points I could get! Stupidest thing I ever did - I was sore and exhausted. I ended up with a final grade of B though and was very proud of that as it is not easy.

You can do it - use creative ways to connect information, that is how I got through it.

Awesome! Thanks for the info! I'd rather have a good prof that I learn a lot from than a crap one that doesn't want to teach anything. I'm used to studying like a crazy person for my A&P classes so it won't be so bad, lol.:D

My first class is tonight...I'm so nervous! I drove to the campus yesterday so I knew my way around but I've still got a big case of the butterflies. Wish me luck!:D

I hope it went well - you will do great!!

Everything went great last night! I really like the prof (you're right, he does have a very dry sense of humor!). I love that he posts his notes and the lab stuff up on his website so you can be prepared for class ahead of time...that and you know what you'll be tested on. Thank you again for your help Bimmersbabe, you're a godsend!

hi y'all! i just started A&P I, Gen. Biol & Bioethics for Fall 08. Just thought i'd throw that out there in case anybody else is in the same class :)

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