School supplies ???

Nursing Students General Students



Im starting my 1st semester of "real" nursing classes in August. Just wondering what office supplies do you think are important (ie 2 inch vs 3 inch binder, pens etc)? Where do you normally purchase them?

Any info will be helpful:)

Hey congrats on getting accepted and starting school. There are a bunch of posts that talk about school supplies, but I can tell you that you will definitely need lots of pens, pencils, erasers (most test are multiple choice and on scantrons), LOTS of highlighters and in different colors. You will also need a penlight. See if you can find out what books you will be using and buy them ahead, theyre usually cheaper on amazon and if its not a study guide book, then you can probably buy the used versions. I just use one binder, take notes on paper and then rewrite it in a notebook following my book and the lecture that I recorded (you will need a tape recorder or a good app), but thats how i learn everyone is different. Do what works for you. Good luck with everything!!!

I use the following: 1. notebook 2. Samsung mp3 player - has drug guides, skills checklist, med surg book, care plan assistance, and internet access; used recorder and video recorder 3. reviews and rationales books 4. assessment videos or youtube 5. skills videos 6. ordered used books 7. stethoscope 8. school uniforms 9. notebooks 10. paper 11. crayons/ color pens/ regular pens 12. immunizations 13. background check 14. photo id 15. parking pass 16. learned study skills 17. learned to speed read/master read 19. read reviews and rationales for fundamentals and did questions 20. Learn test taking skills 21. Learn time management 22. ordered required drug guide, lab book and dictionary 23. BP cuff 24. watch with minute hand 25. ordered Name badge

I read the fundamentals book before I stepped into the class. It is kinda crazy, but it made the transition easier for me. I only wish I had watched assessment videos too.

Honestly? I think people over think nursing school. For office supplies, some people keep binders but I don't. I ask for electronic copies of the powerpoints and most teachers are willing to post them online. Sometimes highlighters and colored pens are useful but I used them only during anatomy. I need a strong bookbag to carry my books and laptop around. I also recommend investing in a good water bottle. Have loose leaf paper and a few different one subject notebooks.

At clinical this is what I need and use:

My stethoscope

Drug book on my iPhone (turn off the phone when clinical starts)


Bandage scissors and hemostat (school requires them, I've used them three times besides the times I'll use them to trim my nails)

Most hospitals will grant you computer access and they have online drug systems. One had it built into the EMR. Lab values normally have it built in the EMR too. or Bigword (I forget which) is a great site that lets you compare many sites for textbooks.

Office supplies is whatever is on sale the cheapest during back to school. It varies. The supplies differ too. Some websites like allheart, medisave, and even ebay have great deals on items.

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