not sure...

Nursing Students General Students


I would like to put this question out to everyone while I have a bit of discreetness posting this on a bb instead of asking it to one's face. I am as many others in this country overweight.. I am not going to disclose how much..but that is not the point. I am taking CNA classes, preparing to take LPN classes. I guess I had not thought as much of someone discriminating against me until a fellow classmate whom is also on the fluffy side brought it up. I know in this cruel world that it does happen, but I would like to hear from more of you who may be overweight. Have you ever been talked down to or discriminated against? I have done so well in my prerequisites as far as grades go, but now I have this to worry about. Please help if you can.

Hey~ you obviously have alot to offer someone, so don't be so down on yourself. It's not worth it. Not to your self esteem, or to others who think they are trying to give advice and be helpful.

God made us all different (how boring if we were all the same!), with different thoughts, minds, souls, AND bodies. Love the body He gave you.

I often get asked by patients if I am pregnant or not. Do I get offended? No. Because #1~ I know I'm bigger in that area than most gals. #2~ My husband loves me EXACTLY the way I am, and #3~ I'm a damn good nurse whether I weigh 100 pounds or 300 pounds.

You be the very best you can be and don't let them or anyone else get under your skin.

Hang in are gonna be a great nurse! ;)

Julie :)

Awesome answers! Thanks to everyone that make an impact on more people than you may realize. Everyone, be kind to yourselves and have a wonderful week.

Cheryl Moore

I am about 30 lbs overweight. I exercise three days per week for an hour split half between weight training and

nordic-tracking. I am also a vegetarian. The weight was gained and still remains due to my going through thyroid cancer treatment. Synthroid just doesn't do the job my old thyroid gland did. I believe that it doesn't matter what size you are as long as you are strong enough to do the job, you should go for it. Unfortunately, I have been discriminated against because of my weight. I try not to let it bother me and I try to stay positive. Don't give up on your dreams to be a nurse. Good luck and don't let other people get you down.


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