NET/EXAM study guides

Nursing Students General Students


I will be taking the NET exam in a couple of

months and was told to purchase the HOBBET

from ERI to study for the exam. I have searched

amazon and found others but I'm confused which

to purchase after reading all the feedback on each

study book. I'm a lpn/lvn and have some college

hrs.-I have to place high scores due to limited number

of slots for this new lvn/rn bridge prgm.

Any suggestions? or Tips for this test?

Thanks so much.

( on wrong discussion)

I personally used ( Study Guide for The NET The Hobet The Help entrance tests) It was a great study guide. I got mine from my college book store but you can purchase one for much cheaper on ebay. It is from Education Resources,Inc. ISBN# 0-9675446-4-5. I also have a number 1800-292-2273. Hope this helps!!

Hello. I too stressed over the NET exam. Was most intimidated by the math (algebra) than anything else. I bought the NLN Review Guide for LPN Pre-Entrance Exam (which covers most all the pre-nursing entrance exams, including the NET). Although the book was quite helpful, I found the number one best resource for study to be my 9th grade daughter's alegra text book. It was amazingly helpful! I even went as far as to contacting her high school and inquiring about any used or older Alegbra text books. Her teacher was so nice that she gave me a book they had "upgraded and phased out" two years ago. I studied primarily from that text book for about 6 weeks; took the NET and passed with very high scores in all areas, including the alegbra. It was fantastic.

The highschool text books bring back the basic method of teaching/learning and was far more helpful to me than any of the pre-nursing entrance exam study guides I had looked at.

If you have any access to a highschool Alebra text (your child's, or a neighbor's, or contact a local highschool), I strongly recommend it. (That is if math is an area you need to refresh)

Good luck to you!! :)

I took the NET test last year and scored quite high. I bought the NET study guide from ERI's website, and the practice tests in that book are IDENTICAL to the real thing. I would strongly recommend that book if you feel that you need to study. The math part of the test is quite simple, especially if you've taken any college level algebra. Add/subtract, multiply/divide fractions, decimals, and whole numbers. The verbal part is word definitions and reading comprehension. Look over some commonly used prefixes, suffixes, and roots and you'll do fine. There's really no way to study reading comprehension, besides reading a lot to up your speed.

My best advice is to get a full night sleep the night before and eat a good breakfast the morning of your test. My testing site was about 40 miles from my house, so my husband and I got a cheap hotel room on that was located within 3 miles of the school. I was able to sleep well, not stress about Atlanta traffic that morning, and find a biscuit for breakfast on our way to the school. I am positive that this helped me relax enough to concentrate on the task at hand.

Good luck!

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