
Nursing Students General Students


Hi everyone,

so I am a nursing student. I have a pre-grad placement in a very busy medical unit. Long story short, last night I was pouring meds for one of my patients... and I went to grab another med cup and all of a sudden all of the meds spill on the floor (including 3 narcotics!) I picked them up instantly and put them back in the pill cup because I was going to waste them with another nurse (since there were narcotics in there). I then got distracted by another nurse who needed help so I put the medications away in the medcart and locked them up. Soon after I helped out the nurse, I went back to the med cart, got the meds and medication record for the patient and went to administer them to the patient. As the patient was taking the meds I remembered that they fell on the floor!! I couldn't believe I forgot to waste them with another nurse! I was stunned at the time and then embarrassed. I left the room without telling the patient. I did tell a nurse on the floor and she said it's not a big deal but next time waste them immediately. I feel absolutely terrible cause I am always so good with infection control, being accountable, giving my patients excellent care and being a very diligent student nurse. I know I was super busy on the unit but like I said, I am always so careful with things I can't believe I forgot to waste them.

I feel that I need to get this off my chest and maybe looking for some support that I am not an awful student nurse for making this mistake? Should I have told the patient? Charge nurse? Should I tell my school tutor? I have been reflecting a lot on this incident and hence why I am writing this now.

Anyways, thank you for anyone who responds. I appreciate any support!!

Infection control is very important, but you are human. Things happen and you learn from them. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just make sure it doesn't happen to you again. :)

"Waste immediately" is good advice. If you don't and someone picks up those narcs and absconds with them, then what do you do?

Otherwise, make a good act of contrition ( you did that already :) ) and go forth and sin no more. :)

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