Medical Assistant But Want to be a NURSE!!!!

Nursing Students General Students


Hello everyone, I am very confused about schooling!!! I want to become a medical assistant so I can at least get some kind of background into the medical field. They are in high demand here in Minnesota for medical assistant it has always interested me!!!! But, on the other hand I would love to be a nurse but it is way toooo much work!!!! I tried it at a college here but I just couldn't do it!!!! I feel that I can't handle all the respomsibilities that you nurses do!!! Eventually I will get myself there I am 21 so I think I have plenty of enough time!!! How do you nurses handle your work load???? I really respect nurses they are the backbone to help the people. I just wish I knew if I can handle it!!! I would like to know how do you handle your load and how long did it take to get used to it???? Thank you very much all responds are welcomed!!!!!!

Hi Sparkle,

Everyone moves at a different pace, is ready for different experiences and responsibilities at different spots in their lives.

I finished college and worked for 5 years outside of medicine before I was ready to dive into nursing school. I had actually thought about going into nursing my first time in college but I thought that I wasn't old enough to carry so much responsibility. Now that I'm older and wiser I feel I can handle the pressures.

If you have given it a try and know that it's not the right thing for you right now then I would advise you to pursue the Medical Assistant training. Perhaps in a few years and after some experience you will feel more confident in your abilities and be ready for the trials of school and a nursing career. You may even be introduced to other careers that you would like to pursue rather than nursing.

No sense in trying to pursue a nursing education if you do not feel that you are ready for it and are prepared to give 100% of yourself and will be happy in the end.

I agree, you are young and have a lot of options and some time to wait if you are not sure.

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