Just need to vent.... long

Nursing Students General Students


I'm currently in an LPN program and will be finishing the first wk. of Dec. only 3.5 mths. to go. Well....low and behold I had to have emergency surgery on July 11 to have my gallbladder taken out. They had to cut me open, I had 37 staples and have had thrush, a reaction to my staples, and just this week had a high fever for over 3 days, so needless to say I've not had a great couple of weeks after surgery. On the the venting part....

After my surgery my Dr. told me he didn't want me going back to clinicals, well I kindly explained to him if I didn't go back I wouldn't be able to finish so he decided I could go to the last 4 clinical days of our summer term. Well my husband called a couple of my teachers and asked them what I should do, they came to see me in the hospital and told me not to worry about it, they would work with me and not to even think of quitting, I just needed to focus on getting better right now. Ok, so I felt better for three weeks.(we were on a 3 wk. break). We started back last Mon. which I couldn't go, I missed 3 clinicals that wk. and started class on Friday, was sick all day long with a virus and didn't want to be there, but I went anyway. I gave the head instructor my Dr.'s excuse(which I had already told her about the previous Sun. so she would know why I wasn't there on Monday morning) and she had said ok. Well, she reads it and proceeds to tell me she'll have to contact St. Board's about my missing the 5 days of clinicals since we can't miss over 10% of our clinical time. We've been in clinicals since January of this year. I was fuming mad, I mean after they said they would work with me, all of a sudden they decide that they have to check with St. So I ask her why they didn't just tell me this in the first place and I wouldn't have even got my hopes up. I wound up having to leave early because I got so sick so I don't know what the outcome is. I'll find out tomorrow I'm sure but I just feel so bad that I've gone through all of this work to get this far with only 3 mths. left to graduate and to think I'll have to quit and wait a year to go back and finish the last semester is heart breaking. Naturally I won't wait, I'll apply for the RN program at a local community college and try that route, but that's two more years of my time. I feel like I've wasted this year. No one else understands, they just say oh well at least you'll have time to recover and get better, they think I'm in high school or something, and don't understand how hard nursing is.

I'm sorry this is so long I just needed to get it off my chest to someone who may understand where I'm coming from, I'm on the verge of being depressed over it and I know I shouldn't, I should be happy I'm alive(I had trouble during the surgery), but school was my life, it had to be top priority so it'll be hard to give up and I'm not a quitter.

Thanks for listening....


Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about all that your dealing with. I'm sure everything will work out in the end... God knows what he's doing.

Thanks to all of you for your kind words, unfortunately I had to quit today. I was put back in the hospital yesterday due to a virus I got over the weekend and got very dehydrated. I just don't have the energy or ability to go to clinical's tomorrow and I've already missed too much time. They said I can start back next year at this time and won't have to make up my classes I've already gone through and passed so that was good. I just need to concentrate on getting better right now. I'm sure I'll be depressed for awhile about it, I just don't like quitting. I just can't go back to full duty which is what they were wanting me to do next week. At least I didn't flunk out, that's the only good thing, I'm leaving on a good note. Thanks again for all your prayers and kind post.

Sandy :o

I'm so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I hope you get better soon, and i'm glad to hear that you can re-do your clinicals at a later time!

Hugs to you!!

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