Hi Everyone

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I just wanted to let eveyone know that I haven't jumped ship.I did however stay home from clinical today,just couldn't deal with it. I had a rough day yesterday and needed a break. Anyways I am having trouble in A&P. I walked out of class on WED. Just got sick of the crap being flung around. I needed to re-group. I have so much stress that I feel like I am at my limit! Anymore and I will have a melt down. How is everyone else doing?

Rhona, just regroup. What is done is done now! You can get back into the game and start new! Don't give up! You want this! Good luck to you and keep us updated on how things go!:kiss

My sister suggested yoga for school-related stress. I haven't actually tried it because of two little ones and lack of sitters, but she said it worked wonders. I like to clean my house (usually messy and is a huge source of stress), make a cup of tea, and read a couple of chapters of whatever book I may be reading.

Man do I hear you's all loud and clear!!!!!!!!!

Things that we all have experienced during our times of STRESS due to the educational ongoings has had me think of giving up many times.

Specializes in Trauma and Pediatrics.

((((((Rhona))))) I feel your pain.... I'm can totally relate.... A&P is killing me..... but hang in there.... take your mental health day, regroup.... and you will be ready to jump in again!


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