Crazy writing papers

Nursing Students General Students


just wanted to apologize for not posting for a while. i am drowning in a sea of paper this term. also, this is the first term where a clinical instructor has dictated what patient to write about. unfortunately this has put me writing a therapeutic communication and pathophysiology paper at the same time. to boot, my patho patient was off the unit for surgery my first chart to review..., and the second day, i had to compete with docs all day long for the chart. hence, incomplete data to write a patho paper.

this is the "make or break" term for me, so i cannot afford to write poor papers. why does this term have to be so close to graduation? i can't afford not to pass because i would have to sit out for a full year just to repeat this term. i could use some help from the man upstairs.... i am feeling so stressed!!!!

thanx for listening.

cindy :o :crying2:

Bless your heart. I have been there and know the stress can be awful. Just keep telling yourself that this too shall pass. Do you have a writing center at your school? I used to draft a paper and send it to them for corrections. Seemed to save time and also I learned not to make those mistakes on the next paper. If no center, is there an English or Journalism major or grad student who can help? Sometimes the grad students need to tutor for their own course credits. Good luck.

I HATE the paper writing! Give me Pharm or Patho any day! My only saivng grace is my EKG class...something technical, so to speak! I cannot STAND my OB clinical instructor- makes me really not like OB....and ethics and promoting healthy families in the community???

Thank the LORD for APA style-ease, and having a friend who is a medical editor...only reason I'll do alright on papers. I HATE APA!!!

Good luck...

Yo I'm right there with you. I have three papers due this week, and last week I had mid-terms. While I prefer papers to tests, this is still a lot because the papers are worth so much! And of course I procrastinated so that doesn't make it any better. Although I have a feeling that some people haven't evn started thinking about it, so I guess it can always be worse. :rolleyes:

yo i'm right there with you. i have three papers due this week, and last week i had mid-terms. while i prefer papers to tests, this is still a lot because the papers are worth so much! and of course i procrastinated so that doesn't make it any better. although i have a feeling that some people haven't evn started thinking about it, so i guess it can always be worse. :rolleyes:

yeah, and my ethics teacher is a total witch. we can only "fail" one paper (we only get pass/fail grades on the papers)- and out of 43 people in my class, only 5 people passed the first paper... and i missed passing by .25 of a point? :angryfire

so, off to research the ethics of administering morphine to a dying cancer pt, when the nurse doesn't want to....

i wouldn't mind paper writing if they weren't so technical on every aspect of the format....

good luck!


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