30% of class failed exit HESI exam

Nursing Students General Students


The class a couple of semesters ahead of me took the HESI exit exam our university requires a couple of days ago. Of 71 who took it 21 failed and get another chance to pass the test.

Is it this common to fail the HESI or is the university I am attended just an anomaly when it comes to passing exit exams?

My school requires you to take the hesi every level with one time only to pass or you are out! I have to have a 750 for my level 1. Seems to me you should have a second chance to retake.

I have to say the program is the most unorganized cluster f*ck I've ever seen in my corporate America career. If our nursing program were a corporation it would of declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy years ago and had it's assets liquified..

Welcome to nursing and healthcare (many aspects, NOT all)

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