Workplace mobbing...

Nurses General Nursing


Came across an interesting thread on another nursing website...where the Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality has become the first government agency in the nation to institute a "workplace mobbing policy." Many have fallen victims to this and it will become part of the cultural vocabulary like sexual harassment and racial discrimination. The best way to describe workplace mobbing would be like comparing it to the bully on the playground who intimidated and harassed other kids to the point where they wouldn't return to the playground. In the workplace it is very similar. The goal of the mobber (ies) is to get the victim (s)fired or force them to quit.

Cultural anthropologist Noah Davenport is co-author of a book,

Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace. She says it can take the form of persistant mean behavior, persistant rudeness and persistant humiliation and the effects that it particularly has on the target that has been singled out results in stress-related physical illness such as heart disease or mental illness. She has also conducted some preliminary research on the issue and has found mobbing to be more prevalent in gov't agencies, non-profit organizations and academia, stating reasons to be due to poor management, competition for limited resources, and difficulty firing incompetent employees.

Has anyone ever been a victim to workplace mobbing?

I've seen many people fall victim to this. We've lost many good workers due to this and it's about time there's a policy implemented against such behavior.

One particular story I recall is, one nurse immediately put in a transfer to another unit b/c another nurse took eight monthly summaries from pts charts that she had just finished. How did she know it was her? Well she couldn't actually prove it, but when this nurse finally finished her last summary, she said, "Wow, thank God I'm finally finished with those summaries!!!" Guess who was at the nurses station when she said it? The other nurse who allegedly took them all out, and she was the only other nurse there. The one nurse went back to check something she had written and found no summary and she knew that she did it. Looked in another chart for another summary and no summary. All others she did were gone too. This other nurse had the reputation of doing nasty things to other employees like taking their keys and hiding them for a week or so, then acting like the hero looking like she found them, zeroing in on the new nurses, and making them feel like 2 cents, harassing other co workers to the point where they'd put in a transfer b/c they just couldn't stand it any longer. She belonged to a clique that always did nasty things to others and they actually seemed to "get off" on doing things like that. Very sick people. What drives people to be like that? It always seems that it happened to the nurses who were the most caring and the hardest workers. What's your take?

As P-RN nurse likes to say: Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.

As a new grad I was "mobbed" (I like that terminology, by the way) for 6 months. After going home in tears nightly, I left for a new position at a great facility with caring nurses. NEVER again will I let anyone treat me that way. No, I did not go up the chain of command. When I was 22 and fresh from school (which was hell in itself - not at all a nurturing environment)I just didn't have the emotional reserves to fight to stay in a bad situation. It is interesting to read about all the options I could have taken. I still think leaving was the best for me!

Apathy is a factor in this, I think. So often these days I see people who have no opinions and could care less about what is going on, as long as they get paid. As brought up in other threads, some nurses live for power over others, and can probably "feel" their victum out. Combine this with the majority, who don't want to be involved, and we have a breeding ground for emotional harrassment, whereby one nurse gets away with jeering another nurse for personal amusement.

People who have excellent caring skills can fall victum to people who enter nursing just for the money combined with a staff who would turn their heads to mob behavior. Right? If you know how to "hold your own" and observe a nurse who doesn't know how to "hold their own" getting beat up on, do you just watch, or do you call them on it? Are you afraid to stand up for others, or do you care? Mind your own business? Let this perpetuate? YOU would be guilty for not assisting another nurse in need, and enabling the bullies to keep it going.

I know work place drama is dangerous to a nurses emotional and physical health. You let this mob BS go on and your fellow nurse might get eaten up from the inside out with all sorts of psycho-somatic illnesses. YOU/WE gotta stomp out the bullies and the mobs. Just because you are not having a hard time, and are thinking mostly about shifts end, doesn't mean you are innocent. If you have good mob-handling skills, you must lend them to other nurses who need them. Yewd also be helping the mob out, if you turn your head on your fellow nurse in need. We are one.


(humor) Now, Italians don't go for this either, and we have a way of handling this. If the nursing management is gonna ignore this idiotic behavior at the cost of nurses health, we'll start a mafia. :roll You think you can hide behind a mob in order to get your kicks by beating up on a loving nurse, then you'll answer to the black hand (cosa nostra). :kiss You wanna bully other nurses who are doing their best to care for patients? We won't allow that, or you. You can't harm good nurses who are trying to do their job. That upsets the entire place; You can't, and won't do that. You'll get several warnings to halt your bully tendencies, but if unheeded, you'll be sleeping with the fish, if you know what I mean:imbar

I think that, along with apathy, the intimidation factor keeps some from getting involved. Show your support for a coworker who is being harrassed and you may become the next target.

I think the same thing happens when someone steps forward and reports the harrassment to management. Though other coworkers may support this, they keep silent rather than face retaliation. With only one person reporting the situation, it is viewed by supervisors/administration as a personality conflict and often the reporter is viewed as being as much at fault as the agressor.

At the risk of sounding sexist, could this behavior be attributed to the large percentage of females in this field? "Mobbing" brings back memories of Junior High and High School girls. I do not notice men getting involved in this to the same extent that women do. I have not observed as many problems on shifts where several male nurses/aides were present.

Thats why you need some kind of over (or under) the table organization which would "take care" of the loving nurses who would fall victum to unchecked harrassment. I understand workplace stress related injuries are no joke. People are suffering, and it REALLY angers me to think good nurses would be in harms way and no one would do anything about it. Whats right is right and whats wrong is wrong.

My CNA training concluded 2 months ago, yet I can recall like it was yesterday the terrible feeling i came home with when some of the women burned on me. They did it when I was the only male there. I could imagine what it must be like to have to consider changing jobs because of a bully.

Peoples negative energy builds up in them, and then when a positive person comes around, ZAP!!, a spark flies and then the positive person becomes a lightning rod. They will zap me until they transfer all my positive energy. Then they start pulling kryptonite out of their pockets and all the women get a good laugh seeing me fall down. These were potential care-givers, mind you. These were worst case, learning experiences for me, and I learned what hell was like when for 3-4 out of the 10 clinical training days I was the only male amongst 10-15 women students.

I'll tell you one thing...I am not busting my hippocampus day in and day out to learn and learn, just to receive my RN and then go from pure joy to pure agony because of bullies. I won't take it. And, because I love and care for my fellow nurses, I won't stand for them to take it either.

Now, i know Mario is no RN yet, but Mario will always be Mario, and this &^%$ won't fly around me, or on the nurses around me. Take that to the bank!

Harassment violates Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

Harassment of an employee by a supervisor, management, employee or co-worker, or harassment of a supervisor by an employee on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, sex, age, or sexual orientation is prohibited.

Each department head shall endeavor to provide a work environment free from harassment. Department heads shall have managers and supervisors inform their employees of this policy and the complaint procedure herein, and shall endeavor to have managers and supervisors report instances of harassment to their respective supervisors or the Director of Human Services. All employees are encouraged to be aware of and sensitive to potential incidents of harassment.

Disciplinary action up to and including termination may be imposed for behavior described in the following definition of harassment as it applies to the above-listed protected classes.


A. Verbal Harassment - Epithets, derogatory comments or slurs.

B. Physical Harassment - Physical conduct that is sexual or offensive in nature.

C. Visual Forms of Harassment - Derogatory posters, notices, bulletins, cartoons or drawings.

D. Sexual Harassment - Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or;

2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting such individuals or;

3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

As a DON, I make it known that I will, without notice, walk-in on any shift at anytime and will investigate any and all complaints regardless of whom it involves. I'm fair as I've always maintained an open-door policy and wouldn't hesitate to place an employee on probation, 3 day suspension without pay, and terminate if called for with a report of the offender and offense to the State Licensing Board.

A Nurse is supposed to be a Professional and Conduct herself/himself accordingly. If a medical facility, whether it be a hospital,nursing home, clinic, or assisted living facility were remiss in handling of such complaints in a timely manner as prescribed by law(see above), it can be not only costly in monitary means but in accrediation as well. Federal Stipends have been with-held, and medical facilities have been closed.

As the other posters mention, document with witnesses!

betts, I'm glad to see that, as a DON, you investigate and have no tolerance for this type of behavior. There are some very well-managed facilities where mobbing does not go on because there it is not tolerated. However, the reality is that does occur in far too many facilities.

In the short time that I've worked in healthcare, I've never seen a CEU course or inservice that addresses this issue. I think it would make a good topic and one that would probably generate a lot of discussion. Has anyone seen or attended a class or an inservice on this?

Originally posted by betts

Harassment violates Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

Harassment of an employee by a supervisor, management, employee or co-worker, or harassment of a supervisor by an employee on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, sex, age, or sexual orientation is prohibited.

As the other posters mention, document with witnesses!

The language sounds musty and old. Anyone can be harrassed for anything, and it could even be massively ignoring someone.

Why don't nurses introduce a new education mandate requiring all nurses to complete and pass a standard class on how to get along with people? Extreme? Crazy talk? Check the numbers on how many people went out sick last year because of stress related injuries. And nurses, I understand, do not always have the luxury of paid sick leave. My dopamine production builds reserve when I read about nurses who suffer to the point they want to give up. This is nuts.

We live under a society which, as an unfortunate by-product, breeds aggressive and jealous behavior. There is no place for it in nursing. You need to check that stuff at the TV before you start working with other people. There is no competition for a monitary reward if you care the best. Right?

A manditory class should be introduced which addresses sneaky behavior, demonstrates sneaky behavior, and how it detracts from our mission, and how real people can be injured (patients and nurses). Then sign off on your understanding that sneaky-ness is a known, prohibited behavior. This should be taught, and caught, in the RN programs, but heaven forbid instructors weed out, and help/instruct, the students who show a propensity for this behavior. :eek:

I agree. The military weeds out a lot of people who clearly do not belong there during basic training (entry-level discharges). I wish something similar could be done in nursing, however I'm afraid that nursing schools may fear lawsuits should they do this. It would be even harder in CNA classes which only last for a short time.

Formal policies are worthless unless they are supported and carried out by management and supervisory personnel. Too often mobbing is reduced to a personality conflict ("Now you aides HAVE to get along") and the victim is blamed as much as the agressor(s). It seems easier to look the other way and deny that there is a problem, than it would be to tackle a difficult issue. However, tackling difficult or unpopular issues is an everyday part of management and leadership. Supervisors and managers who cannot provide this leadership, need to explore other career options.

Supervisors need to have the authority to enforce harassment policies and their management must support this. It does no good to have a written policy if the "mob" can go to the next level of management and override a supervisor's actions. This serves only to render the supervisor powerless and may also make the supervisor a target.

Spot checks are sometimes effective, but more often than not, aides and nurses turn into model employees at the sight of a DON. They put on a good show (a "dog and pony show", as we used to say in the military) which serves only to reduce the credibility of the victim's complaints.

Maybe administrators and management needs to be made more aware of this problem and shown how decreased retention, increased absenteeism, and increased stress-related illnesses impact the bottom line. If it could be demonstrated how much this behavior is costing a facility, then steps may be taken to try to control this cost.

You know i think whoever said when they start somewhere they keep thier mouths shut and ears open. Good advice one i always follow. Find out who your friends are. I always think that people that do these things are extremely insecure. They pick on others so noone notices thier insecurity. I have always felt the best way for me is to stand up for myself and refuse to let them hurt me. Honey usually wins over vinegar just takes some time. I have also noticed that when i stand up for myself others begin to follow.

I'm a little late in finding this thread but it is great---and this type of dysfunction in our workplace is a big factor in our current shortage, I feel. The bullies seem to take root in our crazy facilities, for some reason. Groups of bullies form mobbing alliances. I have seen this throughout whole hospital administrations, and fell victim to one as I tried to move into a supervisory role and was eaten alive when I violated their pissy little 'group rules'. If you are better than them, they will attack you. My advice (and I have learned this well) is to get out while you still can if you encounter a vicious group of higher ups. I have a sixth sense about it now! LOL!

In my situation I had my DON's support but the group took down the DON then went after little me; their peer review group decided I was "showing a pattern of behavior that was problematic" and reported me to my BON. This was so mind boggling as I knew I was an excellent nurse !! But that did NOT protect me from politics! I knew my nurse practice act well, and my BON reviewer was savvy enough to see the true situation and found in my favor. But, this was after spending thousands of dollars for legal representation with thousands of shed tears as strong faith got me through this ordeal. But I always have my guard up now for sure. And this incident comes up at every job interview to haunt me.

I recently went on a job interview and heard an overhead page for one of the nurses who attacked me in the above incident....I RAN out of that facility never to return! LOL!

Love this forum of sharing, guys, it is ALL GOOD! :)

I think that this definitely contributes to the shortage. Anyone who is different or who does not conform to or submit to the group will eventually be run off. Those who attempt to remain risk damage to their career.

I agree that if you do not have the support of the administration, the best thing to do is leave. If any problems occur, it is basically your word against the group. Witnesses would either be part of the group or, in most cases, too intimidated to become involved.

I believe that staff needs to treat residents/patients with respect. I also believe that residents/patients should receive all the care that they are entitled to. This, many times, has put me at odds with this type of group.

I work through agencies and I initially do not book more than one or two shifts with a new facility. I would not believe the number of facilities that I have seen this type of behavior in had I not witnessed it. (My view is probably somewhat skewed. Facilities where these groups operate seem chonically short on staff and, therefor seem to rely on agency personnel more often than well-managed facilities do.)

Since I do work through agencies, I choose not to book anymore shifts at these types of facilities.

I still wonder why this type of behavior seems to proliferate in health care. Those who engage in this behavior are the very last people I'd want to trust my or my family's care to.

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