Why are hospital television documentaries okay?

Nurses Professionalism


I don't watch television, so I was surprised to learn that shows like NY Med exist. I am just stunned that hospitals allow such a thing. From glancing at this forum and from my own common sense observations, it is apparent that hospitals are busy places and nurses and other employees are stressed to the max. I cannot fathom that television production is not disruptive and invasive of patients' privacy.

Based on reading this forum, I'm convinced that people like me who are quiet and try to be polite are almost certainly neglected and perhaps even receive substandard care. Now, should I end up at NY Presbyterian, I also have to worry about competing with some doofus patient who is all excited about being on television? Is a nurse like Katie Duke, who has a website with merchandise no less, really going to give equal time to someone like me who is shy, frightened and breaks into panic at the sight of a camera?

I admit to a huge prejudice against film/commercial/television production. I live in Manhattan, and see a lot of outdoor film/television shoots in my neighborhood. There was also a shoot in my apartment building. They are awful. I don't complain, because nobody is forcing me to live in this neighborhood, but a HOSPITAL? How can this possibly be acceptable?

I googled and turned up nothing about television production affecting hospital functions, nor did I see anything about that in quickly skimming this forum.

I realize this is a trivial question, and the odds of my ending up in front of a camera in an emergency room are low, but I'd love to know how real nurses feel about this, if anyone is inclined to tell me.

​OP, you're worrying about something that in all likelihood won't even happen.

From my original post:

I realize this is a trivial question, and the odds of my ending up in front of a camera in an emergency room are low, but I'd love to know how real nurses feel about this, if anyone is inclined to tell me.

I'm a very boring person totally lacking in interesting backstory, so yeah -- odds are I'm safe.

An interesting story about a patient who, while not clearly pictured or identified by name, was recognizable to his family and friends on NY Med. He had been taken to the hospital after being hit by a truck. The patient speaks (shortly before he died) and his wife and a friend recognized his voice. Neither the patient nor his family had given consent for filming or broadcast.

The family was distressed and took legal action. The patient had a son who is a doctor and a daughter-in-law who is a medical ethicist, by the way.


Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
An interesting story about a patient who, while not clearly pictured or identified by name, was recognizable to his family and friends on NY Med. He had been taken to the hospital after being hit by a truck. The patient speaks (shortly before he died) and his wife and a friend recognized his voice. Neither the patient nor his family had given consent for filming or broadcast.

The family was distressed and took legal action. The patient had a son who is a doctor and a daughter-in-law who is a medical ethicist, by the way.


Being discussed here: https://allnurses.com/nursing-news/family-outraged-when-967128.html

Thanks -- I didn't see that.

No you're not the only one who can't stand Dr. Oz. I saw an episode where he went into the OR nurse's lounge and actually criticized what people were having for lunch! Any surgeon that even came into our lounge, much less criticized us, would be strung up! He is an arrogant, pompous d##k who has an ego the size of all outdoors. I don't watch that stuff, either

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