What is considered abuse by your boss?

Nurses General Nursing


My DON is known for screaming at her employees. I got it one day for something very very trivial and I had to just walk away from her because I was beginning to see red, and wasn't calm enough to tell her that her yelling is abusive and that when she is calm then i will talk to her like an adult. If I didn't walk away I would've said things that would've got me fired on the spot.

Is getting text messages about me HAVING to come to a mandatory meeting even though I had a doc's appointment that I waited over three months for because "we don't ask much of you and you're like a child not coming to them", threatened with termination so I had to cancel that appointment and come in?

Is being yelled at because I had issues with my heart and had to call off 30 minutes prior to my shift (and trust me I did not want to do that at all) and then being told "WHATEVER" and hanging up considered abuse?

Have any of you been abused by your boss/director/DON? And did you ever do anything about it?


There is an answer for this issue-

Take a walk with your:redbeathe and find another job.

Most of these situations do not change. I had a nursing associate whose daughter lived across the state about 4 hours away.

The daughter was on call for a procedure for her heart.

While we were both doing paperwork , our boss stormed in , slammed the appointment book on my associates desk.

The boss shouting stated, "tell me what day this is going to take place".

My friend without being shook up said calmly, here is a post it note with the words ON CALL.

I will tell you again when I get the call I will advise you asap and you can place this note on the appropriate day that I will not be in.

Our boss stormed out of the room. Planning for clients was a secondary issue.

My associate knew two things 1) the boss would have to work the clinic that day.

2) this prevented the boss from doing her MS degree homework as she did everyday while we all worked.

Lesson learned=take care of yourself.

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