'SPECIALTY'? What is my specialty...

Nurses General Nursing


'SPECIALTY'? What is my specialty...

SPECIALTY? I clean and sanitize your living area, I bring you refresments,give you a bath,comb your hair and shave you if it's needed. I dress you and feed you if you're unable too. I walk with you or I may push you, I check on you 24/7 too see if you need anything or if I can do anything for you. I administer your medications as ordered by your doctor, I see that you receive your treatments,keep your appointments and chart your progress. I make sure your bandages,dressings are clean and sterile. I care.

I comfort you,I hold your hand,cry or laugh with you. I call your family or friends and let them know how you are doing,and I greet and report your progress to those that come to see you. I'm ever conscience of you even in your last breath,I'm there.

You are young,middle aged,elderly,male or female. You've had an accident,cold,infection,surgery or suffered a disabling condition that has taken away your will too live. You're unaware,unsure,

frightened or scared. I'm there with you,I care.

So when anyone asks me my field of study or specialty; I reply 'You'.

Thanks.....that was very touching.

When my husband made her smaller so I could use as my Avatar, he inadvertently took out animation. He has been told soooo, redownload her as she should be blowing kisses now.

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