questions regarding firing from an employer..

Nurses General Nursing


:stone here are a couple of questins and a situation regarding some things:

1. my bf's ex saw him and told him that i got her fired for calling her don and telling the don that she was calling my house while she was employed there. i did call to tell her the don that i was tired of her calling from her work and asking for my bf anmd that ohter people were also calling there at my house for her and gave the don their names, i told her that if it didnt stop i was calling the police, whihch i didnt. i didnt call police on her at all...i let it go because the calls stopped.......3 weeks later, she tells my bf i am getting subpoened in court....come to find out, i know a girl that works there and that girl told me, that she didnt get fired of that because of me, she got fired for sleeping on her job and whistelblowers told on, do you think i am going to get into trouble over this anyhow? they have not contacted me yet. and i guess he told my bf, that she cant get unemployment because of me too and that is my fauklt? ha ha i didnt tell the ***** to sleep on h er job!

2. ok, another nurse that i know got fired, not the same place as where the ex's gf worked, but another place. she was fried or let go because the don told her her head was not iny in her work, so she goes to apply for unemployment, will she be able to recieve this? and, she is worried since she is in debt that they will garnish her unemployment wages, does sanyone know if this is true or not? thanks, i can learn somet hings from f that is possible? thanks for your time, and excuse my spelling....

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