I cried

Nurses General Nursing


Being a nurse for just 7 days on the floor, is it normal that I cried on my way home at 2 am? I don't know, I can't explain all the emotions.

My first time to have a patient died on my shift last night...It was sad, I saw the tear on the corner of his eyes & heard the last breath. I feel blessed being the only person on his bedside during his last moment.

I can remember a time when a patient to whom I had gotten very attached died. I came home from work and sat down and cried.

My son, who was five at the time, came up and asked what was wrong and I told him a patient died. He patted me and said, don't feel so bad, mom, I know you did the best you could.

I know YOU did the best you could, too. Sometimes all you can do is be there. It was good your patient had you.

Specializes in Geriatric.

Thank you to all the replies...you are all awesome.

Specializes in LTC, Disease Management, smoking Cessati.

Why would it be wrong to cry, a fellow human being expired, and although he is in a better place it is still a sad occasion... Nurses are Human too! If you didn't feel sad, I'd be worried.

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