How difficult is math in nursing school?

Nurses General Nursing


Hey Ya'll!!!

I was wondering how difficult the math is in nursing school? I am really bad at math and was wondering what I am going to need to work on to be successful in the nursing program?

Thanks so much!

I really don't want the fear of math to keep me from fufilling my dreams. :/

You guys are great! Honestly. I have worried about not knowing enough math. I have to go to the college next week and take the math placement test, where they determine what you know and where you need to go, LOL. I've been a little nervous about that test, but now after reading your replies I think I'll be fine. Thank you SOOO much, gh116 for telling me NOT to let math stop me from being a nurse. I am going to keep that in my mind all through college. I can't believe the guidance counselor suggested that! I too had a terrible algebra teacher in high school. He even hit me. And dumb me at the time didn't report him or anything. I was afraid, I guess. But I think that incident put a damper on me as far as getting any further in math. But no more. Me too, the hell with it and I CAN do it! And also, yes, FLmom0f5, I have gotten this far. You're totally right. You all rock. Every one of you sounds like you enjoy being a nurse. That's so great!!

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