Has anyone ever NOT found a job out of Nursing school?

Nurses Announcements Archive


I just read a post on how hospitals send out advertisements that they are hiring, but then when people call, the hospital just plays dumb and says there are no positions available.

Has anyone ever Not been able to get a job out of school. I know there is a nursing shortage but it looks more like the facade of a nursing shortage from my inexperienced POV.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.
Originally posted by traumaRUs

However, we hired some new grads this year that after we hired them, they said, "we only do days, no weekends either" Come on - what are nurses being told in school? Needless to say, we are rethinking our policy of new grads.

We see a lot of that with experienced RN's, too. They apply for jobs and think that their seniority from previous places should carry over to a new employer and "displace" our current employees who have worked for us for a couple of years. Have they forgotten how they would feel if they were already working here and we were giving new employees a better deal than those who have been loyal, great employees for years?

While I am all for giving credit for "previous experience" when it comes to hiring and salary considerations -- job hunters need to realize that no good employer is going to shortchange its current staff by "giving away the farm" to new folks.

They shouldn't expect to be treated better than long-term employees -- and shame on them for trying to pressure us into treating our existing staff shabily! We tell those nurses a simple, "no" and don't hire them. We figure they are more trouble than they are worth.



Mind if I ask what all those certifications are for? I know the easy ones, like acls, pals, but what are the rest of them, like PEPP, BTLS,TNCC,TNS,ENCP? You sure do have a lot of certifications. I'm just curious is all. I've been looking at what I can add to my repetoire as a nurse also.


I started LPN school last August; applied for a tech job that Oct. on my lunch hour and was hired on the spot because of being a LPN student; so I believed this helped out when I graduated this past June 27, when still employed at the local hospital, I had no problem keeping my job but moving on as an LPN. (I also got hired on the spot for local NH as LPN) (I'm only working everyother weekend alternating weekends b/t hospital-NH). I only hope when I graduate next Dec. as RN ASN this will still be the case. So I suggest to you, work part-time somewhere as a tech to get your foot in the door, also this really helps you out in LPN school being a tech!

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