Finding the Perfect Gift for your Family: Being Present

The holiday season is often filled with tension and frustration. Slowing down will actually help you get more done. This article offers a quick retake on some holiday preparation. The tips offered will help you to focus on the present, reduce the tension and anxiety and help you to give you and your family a valuable Christmas gift this year. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

Finding the Perfect Gift for your Family: Being Present

Shopping for presents, wrapping them late so no one sees what you bought, baking cookies to keep the family tradition, making the stuffing and pies and then falling into bed exhausted only to wake up in a daze when everyone else is excited about Christmas day and not being able to enjoy the moment.

Does this sound like you?

Living life in a chronic rush?

Chronic stress makes everything seem urgent, distorting what is really important. In the midst of 'doing' for the holidays, it is easy to miss 'being' present to your family and the precious moments that uniquely capture their essence.

Here are quick retakes on holiday preparation:

1. Be present (buy presents).

If you checked in with your family, they probably have just about everything they want except more time with you. When you give people your full attention and let all other distractions fall away, you let them know you value them. This feeling is priceless.

2. Wrap your mind around now (wrapping presents).

Get back to the moment. It is easy to believe your mind when it is constantly saying, "There is never enough time." Unhook from this false sense of urgency by breathing deliberately and deeply. Breathe in on a count of four, hold it on a count of four and then exhale on a count of four. This time of year is really about inspiration, new beginnings, peace and hope. This cannot be experienced in hindsight, it can only be felt in the moment. The point of power is in the present moment; to have peace you have to be present to it now.

3. Trim off the time wasters (trimming the tree).

Are you trying to outdo last Christmas? New tree decorations or new recipes only adding more and more preparation for your schedule? You would not have to outdo last year if you were fully present to the wonderful moments that are lost in the rush of getting more done. You will find that less really is more when it comes to holiday preparations. Without the urgency, you can actually enjoy what matters - time with family and friends. Giving your complete attention to who vs what creates the memories that will sustain you year after year. The more you slow down and stay present, the more you will realize how easy it is to fall for the story your mind wants you to believe - there is never enough time. You actually have all the time you need in the present moment. Are you spending it wisely?

The season itself is fraught with a sense of urgency as everyone sets up parties, Open Houses, events, dinners and lunches. Work may become more challenging with the need to cover different shifts. As you celebrate all the goodness or even have to work, stay present. Breathe deep and often. Be a witness to what is happening, step back, observe, name it and experience it now. Savor each moment. Release any attempt of your mind to cling to, "the way it used to be," or anger, resentment. Remind yourself, "Just for today, I choose peace." then go back to the present.

Keep your mind, heart and breath focused on this present moment.

This practice of mindfulness, being present, slowing down the urgent falsehoods that set up tension and anxiety may be the best Christmas present you can give to yourself and your family.

Mentor to Healthcare Leaders; from US Specialty: 36 year(s) of experience in Leadership Development

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