Extreme Lab Values

Nurses General Nursing


Have had a few recently that have caught my atrention.

**INR of 13! Gasp!

**TPNI over 12---never seen it that high

**BNP in high 60,000's

**Na of 103---walking, talking pt., just "weak"

Got any to add?

Specializes in Emergency.

Hgb of 4.0, just felt "a little tired." WBC of over 100,000 on a leukemia pt.

I had a patient with a pH of 7.04. I didn't know that was possible. :eek:

pshhh 7.04? I've seen less than 6.9, sustained for days! Pt also had a WBC of 68! Kiddo survived too! Is she neurologically intact? No, but she wasn't prior to the event either, smiles & interacts though, she's only about a year and a half old.

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