double checking insulin doses

Nurses General Nursing


I am trying to update our hospital policy and procedure on medication administration. What is the current standard ( in hospitals around the country) on double checking Insulin and Heparin doses with two RNs before administration. It seems pretty "passe" in nursing today because these two medications certainly aren't the most dangerous medications we give to patients. What are other hospitals doing???

Originally posted by ERIsland:

What amazes me when I read these bulletin board replies about checking Insulin and Heparin is the number of people who don't seem to know that policy and procedure is what governs your scope of practice. When in doubt, look it up. Our hospital has a policy regarding checking these drugs, and while they may not be the most dangerous drugs nurses give, they are important and different doses give different results! Standards of Care and Policy and Procedures are there for a reason!

In my hospital the only thing that must be checked by two nurses is blood. The staffing must be better in areas that double check every med! I'm lucky to have someone around to relieve me when I need to use the restroom let alone double check my every action. Although, insulin and heparin do have definite effects I would be more worrid about the levophed gtt or lidocaine dosing than those meds.

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