Co-Workers, how friendly are ya'll

Nurses General Nursing


I know where I work about 1/2 of us are Very friendly. Always showing new tatoos, undies, piercings. Always making fun of each other and playing jokes on each other. Sometimes the stunts almost get out of control. But its fun.

The other 1/2 of the staff, well who cares what they think. Its also strange that at least with us it seems that the fun bunch are the ones you can really count on when it gets really ugly.

I know just last week I made a flyer and put it in the break room asking another nurse to marry me. She posted a response flyer on the bulletin board in the dining facility that said yes.

My wife when seeing it (she works in the same hospital) posted a flyer saying "NO". But that wedding presents will be accepted. :D

Do the rest of ya'll have this type of relationship with your co-workers?


On my floor, my 3-11 shift is the greatest!!! None of the other shifts seem to work together or connect at all and are always crabby. We are always there for each other. We see each other happy, sad, angry, crying, etc. No one leaves at the end of the night unless everyone is done (unless it's something we can't help with like charting). We laugh, play, name it!!!!

They are the greatest and we have alot of fun together.:D

i wish everyone was this lucky (and it sounds like alot of you are!!!)

I am one of the lucky ones i work with a great bunch of people.

We like to try and start the duty off with a joke of the day and a good laugh, and it usually is not the last one for the day.

we send each other mail with silly messages

Practical jokes galore!!

Never a dull moment, even the Doc's join in when they get to know us, and occasionally patients can be persuded too

Patients, casuals and students are always commenting on how much laughter there is about and how well we work together.

I work in a busy area and often if we didn't laugh we'd cry, but laughing is soooo much more enjoyable. I love working with these people and would miss them too much to leave.

Keep on Laughing!!!:D

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