Breastfeeding and 12 hour shifts...

Nurses General Nursing


Hello there fellow nurses! I have been away from these forums for a long time! But i am back now! =) I gave birth to the most amazing baby boy 8 weeks ago. I go back to work at 20 weeks to a busy med/surg floor. (12 hr nights) My question is for mothers who have managed to exclusively nurse past a year while working 12 hour shifts (or 8!). How many times did you have to pump? Do you have any tips for me? Did your co workers support you? I would also love to hear some success stories for encouragement! How long were you able to nurse your little one? I love breastfeeding my little guy and just want to hear about your experiences! Thanks so much!!

The pumping every time after you nurse him at home is really key-- you won't get a lot, but every time you do it, your breasts will make a little more for next time, so those days when you only pump and don't get to nurse him q 3-4h you'll have extra.

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