"Bad" rooms on a floor

Nurses General Nursing


I work in a medium-size teaching hospital on a Med-surg floor. A few days ago in report, we started recalling all the bad things that happen in Room 60. It seemed that in the past year or as far as anyone could remember, bad things happen to pts in that room, their condition declines, they decompensate, die, etc. The charge ended the discussion by saying "If we get someone we really like, don't put them in Room 60."

Does anyone else have rooms on their floors that just seem to have poor outcomes when compared to other rooms?


Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

554 and 566 (oh look that one lacks a 6). Something about those rooms....

Specializes in cardiac, diabetes, OB/GYN.

Room 4 scares the hell out of me. If I have a patient in labor in that room, I say a Hail Mary that we all get out of there alright because I KNOW something is going to happen. Worse if a nurse , friend or family member gets admitted there. I go out of my way to keep patients out of that room and we have even lit incense and candles there....Scary.....

If you have ever read Echo Heron's book, she talks about a room that the window keeps opening. She even locked it and literally watched the window unlock and go up by itself. For those who believe in the afterlife, the explanation could be as easy as spiritual manifestation. People do die in hospitals. Death=spiritual manifestations.

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