Anyone involved in a lawsuit?

Nurses General Nursing


Hi all,

I received a letter late Friday telling me I was a "fact witness" , NOT a defendant, in a lawsuit regarding a procedure I was involved in, last April 2001! Has anyone else ever had this happen? I am now to the point where at least I don't hyperventilate anymore when I look at the letter. I feel like *I* did something wrong (the patient died) but I am not the one being sued, and I can't think of anything I did wrong anyways. But I also don't remember that much about it at this point. I am very nervous, any advice out there? Is this something I need to get my own counsel for? I do have nursing , am I supposed to call my insurance co. about it too? help, please!

I of course will be calling the lawyers who sent me the letter tomorrow, and going from there, but I know you guys will help me!



:confused: :uhoh3:

well, i have called everyone there is to call.....i have to review records and then give a deposition. my stomach doesnt feel very good today

thank you ALL for the good advice! i have an attorney from my group's practice (i work for a private cardiology group) that i can hire on my own.

sheesh with all the other crap we have to worry about, why does this have to be thrown in the middle of the mess.

Jas, just to make you feel better:

We just had this sort of thing come up on my unit. Several nurses had to give depositions in a lawsuit concerning a patient who died. They reviewed the medical record first. One told me how glad she was to see that she'd documented pertinent labwork before giving a medication that can contribute to the illness the patient died from (I wouldn't have known to document it - I have improved my documentation since...).

It was really scary, but the lawsuit was dropped against all but the MD. There is a lot of fishing that goes on in the beginning of a case - most of it never goes anywhere.

Take a deep breath, stick to the facts, you'll be okay.

Specializes in CV-ICU.

I had a co-worker/friend who was asked to give a deposition and told not to discuss it with anyone before the deposition. She was not named as a defendant, just told to discuss the facts. She HONESTLY BELIEVED that the hospital lawyers would be fair with her. At the deposition; they ripped her to shreads nd spit her out.

She is no longer a nurse. Her confidence in her (excellent!) nursing skills is shot. She should have had her own lawyer.

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