Remington College of Nursing - Orlando

U.S.A. Florida


has anyone enrolled in the inaugural accelerated bsn class that started january 2009? what are your impressions so far?

thank you,


I am planning to apply for early acceptance to Jan. 2013 class. Anyone that's a grad or current student able to tell me what to expect? What are class schedules really like? I am going to be a single mom of 2 at the time and I know it's going to be a challenge to say the least but I am sure I can do anything for a year! :)

I'd love to hear how the TEAS and your acceptance goes!

I actually just found out about this school. I'm thinking of applying to the late decision for the July accelerated class. Any thoughts?? Anyone know anything about the school? The low gpa requirement kind of throws me off.

Hey akwildone,

I'm a graduate of Remington, class of January 2012. It was a busy, tough, and stressful year. Thankfully, I don't have any kids, but some of my classmates did and they made it. You won't really have any time off, especially during the first quarter. Plan to be in class 5 days a week, 8-5pm with a clinical mixed in there somewhere. Your nights and weekends will be full of studying. Second quarter is the easiest it seems. You'll have more free time then. Third and fourth quarter are still very busy with classes, clinicals, and studying. You'll also have night shift (7p-7a) clinicals 3rd quarter. This program is not easy by any means, but it is do-able. Make sure you find a very flexible babysitter :)

I actually just found out about this school. I'm thinking of applying to the late decision for the July accelerated class. Any thoughts?? Anyone know anything about the school? The low gpa requirement kind of throws me off.

What is it you want to know? It's a real school, accredited, and you'll be a RN in 12 months. They do a good job preparing you to become a nurse. I was able to get a great job out of state even before I took the nclex. I wouldn't put too much thought into the GPA requirement.

Hey guys/Remington hopefuls,

So here's my story: I've been in the transition-to-Nursing mode (career change) for quite some time now, but because of setbacks personally, I've had to reconsider and reconsider and reconsider when and where I go.

If up to me, I would go anywhere (if money weren't an object. Hello.)

I visited Remington in March - saw the campus, spoke to the Admissions Director, and got references to a graduate student and a current "senior" student. I found my interaction with the Admissions Office to be VERY pleasant and helpful.

However, my only concern with the school (as I've already checked it's accreditation, the prospect jobs one can get, and locale) is the money. Now one can say "Take out loans" or Apply to this scholarship program (which is ALL noteworthy and TRUE), but my preference is to not get into so much debt. That nursing scholarship mentioned earlier is a VERY good resource, just be mindful however, that you should have great credit score, and no financial obligation to the government from something else.

If anyone would like me to email them the Questions and Answers I received from a Current and Previous Student, I'd be more than glad to. Please send me your email via PM.


gwelltravaille I am unable to PM you right now. Would you please send the questions to me at [email protected] ? thanks

I can't PM but would love any info you have. [email protected]


So for the first quarter it truly is mostly 8-5 mon - fri? I'm trying to decide on which preschool childcare to register for and if there are days I'd be out early that would factor in but if truly is those hours Jan- May then I'll stick with another place! Any trouble with the NCLEX or finding a job? Any other info you think would be helpful going into it?? Thanks!

If you don't mind my asking, how is it going??? I am shooting for Jan 2013! Thanks

So for the first quarter it truly is mostly 8-5 mon - fri? I'm trying to decide on which preschool childcare to register for and if there are days I'd be out early that would factor in but if truly is those hours Jan- May then I'll stick with another place! Any trouble with the NCLEX or finding a job? Any other info you think would be helpful going into it?? Thanks!

I recommend calling the school to get a definite answer. I can only give you my personal experience. For me, the first half of 1st quarter was 8-5 M-F. I started clinicals the second half of the 1st quarter. So I was in class 8-5 M-Thurs and 6:30-3:30 on Friday. The class after me was so big that some had fridays off with saturday clinicals. I wouldn't count on getting out early any during first quarter. Remember, this isn't your ordinary nursing school. They are packing 2 years worth of information into 1 year so they will use every minute they can.

I had no trouble with the NCLEX. I passed with 75 questions. I had 2 job offers before I graduated, and 1 job offer 2 weeks after I graduated. All of that didn't come from just sitting in the classroom, though. I studied very hard for the NCLEX after I graduated, and I applied to a lot of hospitals and was willing to move/travel in order to get a position.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions :)

That does help. I have called the school about class hours with no reply! So I went to these boards! I'll just plan on 8-5 and hope for the best! I'm just trying to coordinate after care for a school age child, preschool with full time for a younger child and counting on an ex spouse to cover when daycares can't!

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