All FSCJ Spring 2013 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


Hi everyone! I decided to start this thread in hopes of seeing if there is anyone excited about applying to the fscj RN program spring 2013. I am currently taking a microbiology class this summer. I would have applied for fall 2012 but met with some technical difficulties. I have 206 in total points w/o micro. Let's stay in touch and keep this ball rolling!

You know what, i have heard alot of people say that there wasn't much AP on it when they took it, but im still going to go back and review over it as much as possible so whatever Ap is on there, i will be prepared for it. I definitely will be getting the quick study flash cards on chemistry from the book store and a quick study book on chemistry, biology, and maybe physics and math. i dont remember anything from physics because i only took it in high school my junior year in high school. i know you said the math is eigth grade , but what kind of problems do you suggest that i review over the most?you dont think it was nothing higher than eighth grade, like no college algebra or trig? Based on what you and others have said about it, i feel like i am stressing out over nothing but its better to be over prepared than not prepared enough, i guess.

Fortunately, there is only basic word problems ie. Ratio and proportions. No algebra, geometry, trigonometry. I hope this helps.

Nurse Jay how did the NAT go?? I take it on the 19th and I am getting nervous!

I'm going up to Deerwood center today to take the NAT... I couldnt sleep at all lastnight :(

Good luck! You will do well :)

I'm going up to Deerwood center today to take the NAT... I couldnt sleep at all lastnight :(
Sending positive vibes your way! I'm sure you did great! :)

We'll be cheering for you at AN! Stay positive and you will do great.

Hi SpringNurse, thats soo fortunate!! i cant believe thats all they had on there. WHen did you take it? I hope it be that way when i take it because i think each test might be different. :)


How SpringNurse described the NAT is actually pretty accurate. It truly is not as difficult as a lot may make it seem. If you are comfortable with basic algebra (calculations, ratios, percentages, etc) you should have nothing to worry about, when it comes to the math portion :)

Well... I completely choked :(. Soon as I sat down my mind went blank. I ended up with an 80, I did horrible on the math.. Not that it was hard math, I think I just pysc'd myself out to much. I scored in the 80th percentile on both , science and reading... Its not looking good for me this time around, but I do want to tell others... CALM ur self before goin in!

@ Liamsmama thanks i understand now. I will keep that in mind :)

@ Nurse_Jay 80 was your total score? Don't beat yourself up over it and please DON'T give up. You can do this..tell yourself over and over you can do this. Are you going to retake it? if you can, you should and you will do much better now that you know what the test is like.:) I am so sorry that you didnt do as good as you wanted to but you WILL make it if you think positive.

80 on the NAT, 175 over all :( Thats why I was hoping to score a lot higher on the NAT.... and yes, I will be retaking it ASAP!

I'm sorry about the nat test. The good thing is you have seen the test and have enough time to retake it. I have heard that it is the same test on the retake.

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