Should I just quit?

Nurses New Nurse


I feel so horrible at my new job. I am very fortunate to have gotten hired at this hospital I really love the facility and coworkers but I don't feel I am cut out for this no matter how hard I try.

My background is 1 year of home health.

I am on orientation on a med surg unit and I have done 10 shifts out of a 3 month orientation. I have 4 patients at this point and I honestly feel so incompetent.

the computer system is hard to get used to, i take so long to do admits, and I feel I take too long on my assessments because I feel my skills are lacking. I always have to look things up or ask. I feel that I ask too many questions. I also have a hard time understanding the big picture of the patient.

i have a hard time determining when I should call the doc, knowing different protocols, etc. there is just so much to know and I feel overwhelmed!

Is it normal to feel this way or is hospital nursing not for me? My preceptors say I'm doing well but I feel like a complete idiot even though I've been a nurse for a year. When do assessments skills tend to get better, and how long until you feel comfortable in the hospital setting? This is so much different than home health obviously..So frustrated and discouraged..

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