
Nurses New Nurse


Specializes in Acute Care.

Ok. This thread is more for personal venting than anything.....

I started my first job on a med/surg floor. This is my fourth shift (I'm on lunch). My preceptor is weird. I got patients my very first night without any sort of orientation to the floor. I don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing half the time. And I was good at med/surg in school clinicals. I was the only student in my clinical group to take more than 4 patients. I hate it. I want to go home, curl up in bed and cry. I knew exactly what I was getting into when I took this job, but I feel like I made the worst decision of my life! Arrrggghhhhhh!!!!!

*vent over*

Specializes in Emergency.

Can you speak to your NM? Let her know that it just isn't a good fit with your preceptor- sounds like you need a new one- fast.

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