Cpne prep

Nursing Students Excelsior


Hi everyone. I'm preparing to take CPNE,haven't officially applied yet and I'm wondering what study aids have been effective for other people? I'm considering buying prep DVD and workbook from excelsior but I'm not sure if its worth it? Anyone out there use the DVD and workbook? I'm kind of panicking because I don't know where to begin!

Get all required documentation submitted. Then, Start with reading the excelsior study guide. The guide will help you to understand what is expected of you during the cpne. The excelsior study guide is not enough to pass the exam. I purchased Sheri Taylor's online workshop, Rob's cpne study guide and the excelsior college flash cards. I believe I could have done without Robs study guide. I have heard negative comments about the excelsior hands on workshop. However, I have heard numerous positives about Sheri Taylor's hands on and online workshop.

I would start with the study guide once you are cpne eligible. next, get 2 - 3 ring binders. one to hold parts 1,2 and 3. the other to hold section 4, the critical elements. when you first get this study guide you may become overwhelmed . just separate the 500+ pages as mentioned above. you will be working in section 4 but read the first 3 sections especially section 2. once you are ready for section 4, tab all the areas of care. Excelsior is your best resource for this exam to stay organized and informed. after all, it's their exam so use the resources they offer. HINT: take their online conferences for the cpne. (I believe there are 4 of them ) after all of the above--sign up for a workshop. you'll know which one when you've done all of the above. after that workshop take the online version a month before your exam and practice in a mock lab with the online. This exam is made out to be so stressful but I think it's because we panic the day we see that study guide and start jumping around in every direction. make it easy for yourself and follow the above (small steps), organized , one day at a time with a set study schedule . I hope this helps. ;)

I took the CPNE in December 1999. What helped me was putting into practice what I was learning from the study guide. I had worked in the mostly hospital setting for for 12 years, newborn nursery, gyn post op, post partum, as well as pediatrics and a year or so in the nursing home. I set up my own practice lab at home with old supplies that were being trashed. One thing I knew was I had to focus, be prepared and not let my nerves fail me. I've been an RN now for 13 years. Thank you Excelsior!! Good luck and God bless..

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