Mandatory Flu Vaccines- How do you feel?

Nurses COVID


Anyone else upset by the requirement to take flu vaccine or else... not even a mask option??? Only way out is a MD note stating "severe" allergy. Why is it we can't force our patients but our hospitals can force us.

I am pregnant and know I am high risk, but I took the vaccine in my last pregnancy and my son has an egg allergy. No proof linking, but no study not linking. I am so close to maternity leave and was going to wait until I delivered to be vaccinated. Do you know that they don't recommend the flu vaccine until a baby is 6 months but somehow it is safe for a near term "fetus"? Shouldn't we have the right to say no, just like out patients?

There appears to be a lot of skepticism re: vaccine ingredients. Adjuvants (e.g., aluminum) enhance/boost the immune response to immunizations. Preservatives (e.g., thimerosal) prevent contamination of the vial.

-The average dose of antacids contains 1000X more aluminum than a vaccine.

-Infants who are exclusively breastfed ingest more mercury from breast milk than from vaccines.

I know what adjuvants are intended to do, and I am sure they achieve the intended goals. However, more studies need to be done in order to know what unintended consequences may result as well. It seems entirely logical that kicking the immune system into an overstimulated state, especially time after time after time, barely giving it a chance to even regain normal function, could have significant consequences. I take no comfort in the fact that antacids contain aluminum, or that breast milk contains mercury. In the area of vaccine science, there are far more unknowns than most people realize or admit. Its a grand experiment, good or bad, right or wrong.

Thanks for the thought provoking response, I feel very engaged.

There are much more effective ways to save lives than to force people to get injected with something they do not want. I fully support the right for all people to choose for themselves what goes into their body. Vaccination and other practices intended to improve health outcomes should be encouraged through education, not force. The flu itself is very rarely even a serious illness; for most it it a few days in bed. As caregivers, we have an obligation to educate our patients, and facilitate true informed consent when any drug is given. Why do you think pregnant women should be able to wear a mask instead of getting the vaccine ( i certainly agree)The CDC is even saying pregnant women should get it now, although in the package inserts I have seen it clearly states the safety and efficacy of the flu vaccine in pregnancy is unknown and has not even been studied, they cannot even say its safe for the fetus or nursing child. Where do we draw the line? For me, the line is drawn at deciding for myself what drugs to take. We do not need pharmaceutical companies or government agencies thinking for us.

If my baby was there, I would hope they were not irradiating my child with x rays if not absolutely necessary. She could still get and pass the flu even if she had the vaccine. If she is washing her hands properly, and not coughing on people that is enough for me, and if she is sick she should stay home. I have two kids, and I hope that the nurses and techs that helped take care of them had the right to decide for themselves what drugs to receive. Grocery store clerks, teachers, all kinds of people that work in public could potentially spread the flu. Do you want to force them all to be vaccinated? Why not use education to encourage good decision making, not force.

It is a scary trend, and also crazy that more people do not want to stand up for these fundamental rights. We have to maintain the right to decide for ourselves what drugs we take. I do not want someone else thinking for me. I know plenty of nurses, doctors, and others that have made an informed decision not to get flu shots.

For or against...bottom line is its my body and "I" will decide what "I" choose to put into it, I will NOT participate in forced inoculation!!!

That is wonderful to hear. Me neither. Another thing I was thinking about, as I see the direction we seem to be moving in nationally with forced vaccination in schools, hospitals, and various contexts, is who is it that will be asked to do the injections into people who do not want them? Does it then become the role of the nurse, to be the one who physically violate the autonomy of another human being? This is very contradictory to what the values of nursing are supposed to be about.

For those of you that don't know, I was recently told I could not continue in nursing school because of refusal to get the shot. I am no longer in nursing school now, but I feel violated....

That is horrible and unfair. What state? I ran into a similar problem when I was in nursing school, and it was challenging but eventually I found a solution. What happened to you is a good example of why we need to protect our right as autonomous individuals to refuse any drug that we do not want. How many excellent nurses will be prevented from helping people for this reason?

Here whats truely amazing...some of these very facilities are the same entities that scream discrimination for government run healthcare when it come to birth control or abortion, but will force their own employees to take vaccinations in order to keep their jobs...i say,!!!...isnt it ironic!!!

That is horrible and unfair. What state? I ran into a similar problem when I was in nursing school, and it was challenging but eventually I found a solution. What happened to you is a good example of why we need to protect our right as autonomous individuals to refuse any drug that we do not want. How many excellent nurses will be prevented from helping people for this reason?


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