Patient census in acute setting.

Specialties Urology


Since im new to this forum, sorry i have not looked at all the postings yet. I'm curious to know how many HD patients an acute setting will recieve in one day? or for a different take on things, how many patients in the alotted time do RN's or techs have to dialysis one patient and how many patients do hey take on in one day?

The reason i ask this is because i don't believe my facility giving us the right ratio of patients per RN/tech per day that we work. for example a staff of five personnel (3 rn's and 2techs) will have a day consisting of 15 HD patients. 5 of them are isolation patients 1 to 1, and the rest can be placed in our own unit, 5 seats available at a time and ration can be 2 to 1. any thoughts on this?

Specializes in Nephrology.

Yes. In acutes for bedside patients we have 1:1 and in the unit it's 1:2. We don't even have techs. On a bust day depending on census we may have up to 4 shifts. But usually it's about 2 shifts per nurse. Btw I'm in New Jersey. Ratios may vary from state to state.

We no longer have our acute room, but when we did, it was 2 patients: 1 staff. Bedsides are always 1:1. I expect my staff to be able to do upto 3 runs per day (all 1:1) but they very often end up with 1-2 runs per day. Somehow, it balances out to 40 hours/week.

Specializes in Dialysis.

2:1 for patients that are on med/surg or telemetry floors and can travel to us, 1:1 for ICU patients that we travel to. Given the limitations techs have I don't see the cost benefit they provide especially with high acuity patients. As far as how many in a day we have to stay until every patient is done.

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