Are you proud to be a CNA?

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Okay here's the deal: Everyone here, with the exception of those of us who are still taking classes (me) has put in the work and time it takes to get certified, as a Nursing Assistant. You have all had the jitters when it came to taking the Boards, and regardless to how experienced you are till this day, I'm sure there are days that make you smile down to your soul after a shift, just as there are nights-which are sleepless.

In essence, are you all proud of your job as a CNA?? When people ask you what you do for a living are you particularly eager to explain to them you are a CNA, or is this something you only disclose to a select few because of the not-so-glamorous side of being a certified nursing assistant?

I'm 22 years old, and last night I was coming home with a student from my class. We were waiting in line to catch the bus, and she went on to say: "People don't know that if your a CNA, you are going to have to wipe butts! Thats what we do!". LOL Needless to say, I was in my scrubs and people had no IDEA what I was could have been a Nurse, or a Doctor etc. then she said out loud we are CNA's and have to wipe butts; which was a little embarassing to me :chuckle. Of course i'm working on my humility.

How comfortable are you all in disclosing your careers, and the details of what you do? Also, what measures do you all take to prevent the spread of infection to you, the ones you love, and prevent infection from spreading into your home after your shifts (i.e. Taking off your scrubs before you leave work)??

I am aware that this job requires humility and a humble spirit which is fine, but I love myself too, and our "Health is our Wealth". If we are not healthy, we cannot provide care for our residents. :nurse:

The way I look at it is, that someone has to take care of these people that need our help. For many different reasons, their families aren't able to provide that care to their loved one, and trust us to do so. It takes a strong person to do what we do, and we should be proud of it.

At my hospital we are called nurse techs but its all the same. I have my CNA and I don't regret every choosing to be one. And to those who try to look down on me for my position... why don't you come try it and see how much you have to say?

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