Surprised during my clinicals

Nursing Students CNA/MA


I did my first cna clinical today at a LTC facility. I expected to see some corners cut and things not done by the book as we learned it, but I was seriously surprised at some of the stuff. I don't think I saw one particular task done correctly!

And the facility I am training at is the only state approved one for CNA training in the town I live. I would expect them to be training better!

I just finished my clinicals this week, and the CNA's at that LTCF all wore the gait belts around their waists, but never used them. They did the ol' "grab em' by the pants" routine, and there were several close calls when they almost dropped a resident. They all looked at me funny when I used my gait belt! But like everyone else said, clinical is different from the real world I guess!

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