Failed the CNA test on the first try

Nursing Students CNA/MA


I graduated CNA school in April and decided to take the Georgia CNA exam in May. I passed the written portion but failed the skills part. I had handwashing, blood pressure, turning on side position, dressing with affected right arm and ROM of knee and ankle. I passed the first three skills and failed the last two, which were easy but I guess I got nervous and missed a few steps.

I am new to the website and I want to know YOUR CNA test experience. How did you prepare for it in order to pass? I'm retesting on June 16th and need some studying tips. I want to pass!

Marie that is wonderful that you were able to pass this time!! Yes I totally agree with you that sometimes how well your test goes can be the tester you have. I think I really got lucky with the the tester I had because I missed a step which I think was a big one where I really thought that I failed and to my surprised she passed me. If I had gotten someone else she might have failed me, and I would not have been surprised.

Brittnee when you take the test again I hope you can do well. Check out youtube 4yourcna as well. They helped me a lot.

I unfortunately failed the skills portion about a week ago. I passed hand washing, perennial care and ambulation but failed respiration, and ROM ankle/knee. I failed respiration for forgetting to give the person the call light [i know that is a given i'd fail for that, but i realized it after I said I was done] and washing my hands. I feel so dumb for that. And I failed ROM because I forgot to hold the ankle gently and provide privacy. I failed on all non-bold steps. I feel idiotic. And now I am feeling horrible right now because If I fail the next time I could lose my job and the faith my parents have in me. And I can't practice BP at all. I don't have a BP cuff or stethoscope. Or money to buy them anytime soon. I just hope to god I get a nicer instructor next time and I don't get BP. I am confident I'll pass if I just make sure to be calm and go through all the steps in my head next time. I'm making sure to stay away from that testing location too.

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