Chamberlain College of Nursing in Atlanta, GA

Nursing Students Chamberlain College


Has anyone attended or is currently attending Chamberlain College of Nursing in Atlanta? If so, how is it? Any info would be greatly appreciated. I am currently attending a technical college and have done all of my pre requisites except for the sciences. My gpa is 3.40. I just found out about this school and I am very interested... thanks.

Oops admission counselor and my friend and I were very impressed with the school! Since I don't want to apply or attend until May I have plenty of time. I'm hoping that all of my credits transfer over!! I am thinking of taking the Hesi in December though to get it out of the way. I would love to get accepted.

@Mindyydnm... Will keep in touch and I will update you once I start in January. Congratulations once again, time goes by so fast, you will be done with the program real quick.

I look forward to hearing about your school. I am just so very thankful that I am able to finally start my dream! I wish you and all these people the best of luck

When you guys start in January please keep us posted!! I absolutely am in love with the school. I'm just nervous about the cost!!

Will do, once I get accepted.

Teah8177 awesome and you will get accepted. God will give us the desires of our hearts!!!

Teah8177 awesome and you will get accepted. God will give us the desires of our hearts!!!

Thank you for those encouraging words. I hope we can start together.

Yeah tomorrow is the big day! anyone going to the Open house this Saturday?

I am so excited I got accepted today, yay!

@linzg01 that's awesome!!congrats!

I wanted to go but I have to take the Teas :(( my girlfriend and her husband will be there though. Also, I hope she can film the mannequin giving birth!!! Lol!

Thank you, what semester are you planning to attend?

I'm planning to attend in May. I'm trying to keep costs down and finishing up prereq's. have you got a total of yr costs yet?? Did you have any

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