Chamberlain College of Nursing in Atlanta, GA

Nursing Students Chamberlain College


Has anyone attended or is currently attending Chamberlain College of Nursing in Atlanta? If so, how is it? Any info would be greatly appreciated. I am currently attending a technical college and have done all of my pre requisites except for the sciences. My gpa is 3.40. I just found out about this school and I am very interested... thanks.

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Hello everyone! I'm having trouble accessing the non nursing bookstore. I know it's in the Devry portal. I wondered if anyone has taken Soc350 ? If so what is the book title and isbn pls. Are earlier editions ok? I used earlier editions for Health and Wellness and was fine so I'm just wondering. Thanks in advance. Sent from my iPhone using

I think that's a Devry course right? If so all general ed courses through Devry come with the ebook online

Thanks girly! ?

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Hello everyone! I'm having trouble accessing the non nursing bookstore. I know it's in the Devry portal. I wondered if anyone has taken Soc350 ? If so what is the book title and isbn pls. Are earlier editions ok? I used earlier editions for Health and Wellness and was fine so I'm just wondering. Thanks in advance.

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lol trust me none of my text books cost more than 5dollars and am doing good. Go ahead and purchase the old edition will ask a friend about the ISBN for hers.

Thx! Old editions worked for me this session!! Thx again!

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Has anyone taken SOC 185, ECON, or PHIL 447? If so, what would you say is the most and least difficult. I am trying to change around some classes. I am going to drop one of those and insert patho 1.

SOC185 if this is a simple Sociology class Id say this one. I've taken Econ it's about supply n demand mostly. I have to take SOC 350?? Not even sure about what it is. Good luck!

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Has anyone taken SOC 185 ECON, or PHIL 447? If so, what would you say is the most and least difficult. I am trying to change around some classes. I am going to drop one of those and insert patho 1.[/quote']

I am taking PHIL 447 now, it's not to bad to me. You do have to write short papers weeks 1-4 and you have a quiz every week but it only has 4 it 5 questions. There is one research paper due towards the end. I have an "A" average in the class now. I transferred SOC 185 from another school and that class was pretty easy to me.

Good to know. Do you take it online or on campus? SoontobeaRN

Good to know. Do you take it online or on campus? SoontobeaRN


Has anyone taken SOC 185 ECON, or PHIL 447? If so, what would you say is the most and least difficult. I am trying to change around some classes. I am going to drop one of those and insert patho 1.[/quote']

Take Patho online. A lot of students are struggling on campus. I did very well in a&p so I'm breezing through Patho

Okay thanks alot Teah. You have been helping me so much. Do you remember how the NR 222 final was? Did it come from all the tests?

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