TWU update

Specialties CRNA


We have had our first set of tests in all classes. and we are all already failing one class or another. The chemistry class average for the first test was about "even money" as the teacher said. I take that to mean 50%. "its not all about grades" he says. and he's right. its more about the 100000 in debt I am approaching.

So our moral is a little low but I think it is all part of the machine that is TWU. Did you know that last year they had 50% of their graduates score the highest possible score on the board exam. I have been in the library sun up to sun down since we started. and in the last week I have noticed the volume in the library increase 3 fold. the physcology of it all really works. if you keep the student on the "climbing up hill" side of things he will keep studing if the student gets great grades he will likley not study as intensly. its intersesting to note that now are content is more neruo and the learing of where the needles go.students are fighting to get a better grade. and isn't that how it should be.

we are moving right along in pharm we have a test next monday on the autonomic nervous system. we have had a month to prepare for this test. it is the most difficult pharm tests. I have memorized every A and B receptor on every effector organ. then the drugs that act on those effectors. (not to mention the cholinergic side).

I think all in all things are goind well. I heard a rumor about a sister program (sister program term used loosely) in the city in which the class average runs in the 90's. Would I really want that? Sure I might feel better but that wouldn't make me a better practioner? nothing worth it comes easy. I will update on sundays because I don't study on sundays.


alansmith, sounds like you are not too fond of the sister program and the 90% average, but are pleased with a failing average. That doesnt sound right to me. I know that I sure wouldnt be happy with a failing grade on something that i worked hard for, and for what because twu needs to weed out students because they dont have clinical sites for everyone, but need a ton of students to start the first semester and pay tuition so they can pay the bills around there. As far as "the machine that is twu" it seems that most of the vital parts of that machine are now residing at your sister program. I will be applying there

I noticed you are a brand new member. From time to time we have people come to the board in search of easy programs. Why? maybe they are not academicaly or clinicaly inclined people that need somthing easy. I am not sure. It sounds like that is somthing you might need. look at some of the old threads "whats the easiest program?".

please check back with us and let us know where youll be practicing in the future so we can avoid it. like we would avoid malignant hyperthermia or bronchospasm. oh how I wish you were in the program now so I could quizz you. (run a clinic on you)

failing but learning:


What "vital parts" are you refering to. an unscrupulous noneducator?

and for you who need it easy:

Main Entry: un-scru-pu-lous

Pronunciation: -'skrü-py&-l&s

Function: adjective

Date: 1803

: not scrupulous : UNPRINCIPLED

- un-scru-pu-lous-ly adverb

- un-scru-pu-lous-ness noun


We don't need a debate over the schools. I am sure that each program has it's benefits and drawbacks.

The averages that both are discussing now, will be different at the end of the semester.

To say that one or the other school is better at this point is crazy as there has been a huge turnover at TWU and TCU is just getting started.

But, if you consider the old director is at the new school I would venture to guess that in the end the two programs will end up being very similar.

Common courtesy would dictate that you not come on this board and slam the program that someone else is attending. Especially when you don't really know much about either program.

SO LETS ALL GET ALONG, this board is about helping people get where they want to be.

I found this message board to be very interesting so I decided to write a reply. I am currently in Anesthesia School myself and find it amazing what Alan had to say about other programs. TWU is a well recognized program and has a great reputation I know b/c I moved specifically to the Dallas area to get Cardio Vascular experience and then get into TWU. Well I got into all 3 of the CRNA programs that I applied to and after weighing everything decided TWU was not the best fit for me. I think what must be taken into account here is different programs are suited for different people. Some people find different subjects and different test harder than others. I know that I have been studying all day and all night for classes and of course not getting the grade I want, but I know that it will come it is just a matter of time. The overall issue that needs to be looked at is this. It does not matter if the program is new or old, big classes or little classes, impossible teachers or teachers that make sure you know the information and reward you for your time studying. The fact is we are getting more CRNA's out in practice, and that is what matters. All CRNA's must pass the same test to become certified, and all must have certain core compentcies to practice Anesthesia. So lets look upon the future as a glorious time to be in Anesthesia and help others understand our beautiful profession.

First off, congratulations for acceptance to all three schools you applied to. That is an achievement.

Second, you have a very good point regarding 'fit of school' to 'fit of student'. Not many people make that part of their decision making process.

And I certainly agree with your last point: "The fact is we are getting more CRNA's out in practice, and that is what matters. All CRNA's must pass the same test to become certified, and all must have certain core compentcies to practice Anesthesia. So lets look upon the future as a glorious time to be in Anesthesia and help others understand our beautiful profession."

Best of luck to you in school!


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