l'm frightened to death of........

Specialties CRNA


This may be an odd place to post this, but l need some words of encouragement please. l haven't discussed this on the BB, mainly whined about it in chat, l have been having mid to high back pain with very strange symptoms...l won't go into all of it. After 2 MRI's and a GB U/S, l have discovered l have gall stones, and the way l feel, l could be sitting on potential hot GB...don't feel well at all......so here's my delemma....I am terrified of being put to sleep for surgery (which is where l think l am headed ). l have been a nurse too long and seen too many bizarre situations and outcomes. l have had anesthesia 2 times before not counting my tonsils when l was 5...l had no problems except a lot of difficulty waking up.....l am NOT a good patient, l admit l am scared. Is there any other options other than general anesthesia for this proceedure?....could you please detail for meat least a little about the anesthesia and the proceedure....any info and encouragement will be appreciated....thanks.......LR

ps....they won't do surgery on an inflamed GB will they?

Thanks Quigly, believe it or not, l just got the "official" word yesterday that l have gallstones. The u/s tech told me there were stones during the procedure, but l have been waiting on my doc to call and get me referred to a surgeon....l had one person tell me they waited 6 wks to get an apt with a surgeon (the one l want) and 3 more weeks after that before they could schedule the surgery. The pain has been very atypical of GB, am still wondering if this could be the source, nitemare of nitemares to go thru this surgery and STILL have pain.....Anyway, thanks for your words of encouragement, the are very reassuring. l am a big baby...whaaa!.........LR

Specializes in Nurse Anesthetist.

I guess I should mention, I did not have any pain, whatsoever. I had horrible nausea. Constantly. After the surgery, the nausea stuck around for about 4 more weeks, but not as bad. I had so many stones and "green sludge" that they went in for a lap chol and ended up opening me up a tad more. Still not that bad. Go for it, no big deal. (Actually my scars itch regularly!) :)

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