Big Reject

Specialties CRNA


has anyone out there been rejected more than three times and can anyone give me some hope that they have gotten in after two years of applying? I have gotten my first reject letter after spending months on this app, they even required a high school transcript. It is MSA in Mpls and the one I thought I had the best chance of getting into. I can't even apply out of state because right now we can't move. Should I reapply to this school in the fall? I have my app in at 2 other schools now but I don't think my chances are any better with them. I am so sad and bummed that my dream is not coming true after all t he had work and everything i've gone through to get this far.....Big time bummed out :crying2:

I don't know if you are talking about the advice to pray, the actual prayer or the quantum physics reference. You may remember Dr. Edwin Shrodinger from your Chemistry or Physics classes as he authored a famous equation that yields some of the quantum numbers relevant to electron wave theory. He was also famous for a "thought experiment" that sought to determine whether or not a cat in a box with a vial of poison gas, would live or die based upon whether or not a proton had a certain polarity. The startling conclusion was that observation itself seems to initimately effect elementery particles in our universe. Modern physicists have even succeeded in "transporting" photons, and slowing the speed of light itself (using a cesium chloride filled chamber). There are many other experiments that seem to confirm that praying for or against bacteria grown in culture can positively or negatively affect their growth rate (many books by Larry Dossey M.D. detail such experiments). This principal of "non locality" may even be harnessed for communication one day (thus scientists at JPL might be able to communicate with Spirit or Opportunity one day instantly rather than having to abide a twelve minute delay) and we might even be able to design "quantum computers" that are orders of magnitude more powerful than what we have today. We cannot really explain the modality of such Physics except to say that they involve extra dimensional and so called Super String considerations it seems.

that's 45 seconds of my life I'll never get back.

Any ideas on getting good reference letters when most of your friends, family, and co-workers think "you're weird"? least you're funny too.

Ah Roland- You are awesome. Where did all this physics love origionate from? Are you currently a CRNA and if so, do you try to apply your knowledge to the field? I have no knowledge of your sort but did enjoy the "Elegant Universe" (string theory- can't remeber the author) and dream of coming up with some new way to practice anesthesia Given my lack of knowledge and the fact I got rejected from my first attempt at Cal State Fullerton's CRNA program- it's all a bit of a pipedream :chuckle I feel I might be in the same position as Mollys eventually. Try to keep your head held up high and go in with the attitude that they are CRAZY not to accept you!

MollyS, also check out the thread, the future of CRNA's

Thank you Roland, and everyone else for their great ideas and moral support. I know I am not the first person to go through this and I hope that someday I will be able to be on the other side of this issue helping someone else out!!!! This site is awesome!!!! :p :p :p

Well done Roland, I felt like I was reading an excerpt from one of Robert Anton Wilson's books. By the way, wasn't the cat both dead and alive depending on the 'perspective' of the observer? haha Look foward to more of your replies.


Molly, keep it simple: call the school, talk to the director and find out why you were not accepted. Ask what you can do to improve chance for next year. CCRN is a great bonus for applicants.

Chin up, hang in there,


Also contact the other two schools. Make sure your application is complete. Ask to speak to the director or other person on the admissions committee. Ask for an honest assessment of your applications. Strengths andweaknesses. And IF you are denied admission this year, what should you do to improve chance for next year.


well, roland.

one thing I can say for you, you sure put a lot of thought and typing into that post.


Sorry, but Roland really gets on my nerves... please Roland SPARE US

Are we really sure that Ted Klazinski was the unibomer..... I think Roland is a good candidate :chuckle

"Sorry, but Roland really gets on my nerves"

...getting a mental image of someone named Roland jumping onto sleepy's neural superhighway. I wonder what he does once he's there? hmm. haha. J/K, not trying to provoke, just found a little humor in that statement.

Molly, anything new? Hope it's going well

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