Attention Barry Students!!!!!!!

Specialties CRNA


I see that some of you have been accepted to the school of anesthesia at Barry University. I plan on applying there in Spring of 2004. Can some of you help me out. What were some of the questions posed to you during your interview. Also, What kind of gpa is average for the entering class? Should I contact the director, introduce myself and ask what kinds of things I should be doing to make myself a more attractive candidate? Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!


Specializes in ICU, Anesthesia school.


at my university, Organic I was required before you could take Biochem. Biochem builds on a lot of stuff learned in Organic. I tried to take Biochem twice a few years after Organic, and had to drop both times. It had been too long since I thought about stuff learned in Organic, so I struggled in Biochem (instructor couldn't teach for beans either). I would suggest taking them back-to-back.

I had a buddy that interview and was accepted to Barry, and he said he was impressed. He ended up going to Gannon instead so he could get doctorate.

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