Telemetry Transport

Specialties Cardiac


I am surveying other hospitals' policies on the transport of patients for tests. Do you take some of the patients off telemetry just for the test and monitor them the rest of the 24 hours? Do you have written guidelines? Do you need an order? How do you staff if you must transport each patient with a monitor? What issues have you had, ie-- delayed tests? disgruntled patients or providers if the test was delayed due to staffing? Thank you for your input. Diane

The policy on our telemetry unit is that patients must have an order to go off telemetry for any reason, ie shower, or procedure. In practice, many interns forget to complete these orders, requiring a request from MD for permission to go off tele for xrays etc. Pt's who are unstable, ie frequent or prolonged VT or severe brady may have orders NOT to go off tele requiring the RN to travel with portable tele (defibrilator) to monitor pt during procedures. In practice, few patients around here are monitored off the floor during procedures.

I work on a 45 bedded Tele unit, and we have a lifepak policy. Which states, for any tests the following patients need lifepak monitoring with a RN escort when going off the unit and thus having there telemetry off. V Tach more than 6 beats in 24hrs, cardiac drips such as Diltizaem. PPM placed prior to interogation. Out of hospital cardiac arrest. Pause greater than 3 sec I think. You need an order for a shower on all patients, and an order for telemtry on or off. Everyone on tele needs an IV. The lifepak policy is pretty good, although is defficuly at times. For example our post op PPM patients always have a CXR at 6am the following morning, thus a night RN leaving at 6am to take a pt to radiology is most difficult, there is usually a circulating nurse during the day, who can help. Many of the patients on cardiac drips usually need some kind of test, and as you know these tests can take time. The policy provides safe care for the patient, but difficult when staffing is short.

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