Telemetry nurse duties

Specialties Cardiac


As a new graduate, I am considering the thought of applying for a telemetry position. The job posting stated that they would consider a new graduate. Before I apply, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me exactly what the job duties of a telemetry nurse entail. I mean, would I have to sit all day and stare at monitors, or will I be utilizing my nursing skills to do patient care as well? :confused:

That sounds great. I have recently accepted a job on a tele floor and should be starting any day now! (just waiting for the paperwork to finally go through..the hiring process takes forever!) Reading everyone's posts about the unit makes me excited.

When I graduated from Nursing School, I worked on the telemetry floor for the first 2 years before transferring to the ICU. It was challenging, but I was able to hone in on my assessment skills and become more familiar with medications. Since you're a new nurse, I recommend following your senior nurses (the ones who want to teach). As you will see, some nurses just want to punch in, do their shift and punch out. Learn as much as you can. Good luck!

NO ACLS for telemetry unit? That's scary! What do you do if there's a code? Waiting for RRT to come?

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