Nursing Schools in BC

World Canada CA Programs


Hello, so I've been floating around this forums more recently lately after really focusing on what I'd like to do in the future and have decided on nursing. I'm halfway through grade 11 and looking for some thoughts and advice about nursing programs more specifically in BC.

I'm curious to where you all think is the best to apply to. I see that BCIT has a good program and reputation, but it seems to be very competitive. Anything I could start now to improve my chances to get in there as I know I need at least a year of post-secondary courses before applying (which would most likely be done at Douglas). How does Langara compare to BCIT? Or is it better to try and go to UBC Okanagan or the bridge program between Camosun and uvic?

If it makes a difference, I am hopping to eventually move to the states to work. Any information or opinions are greatly appreciated.

Anyone able to give me some insight?

Honestly, my perspective is that the programs are pretty much the same. BCIT has a solid reputation but my sense from hearing from past students is that they kind of burn them out. Nursing school is always stressful but they seemed to pride themselves on making it super stressful. BCIT also considers where you volunteer/work etc when they choose applicants so if you have your heart set on BCIT, you'll want to start finding volunteer opportunities in health care/seniors etc.

Douglas has more college level pre-requisites so it takes people a long time to get those done, get in & start. I think beginning to end it would be hard to do Douglas in 5 years & most seem to be taking 6.

Langara only has 5 college pre-requisites and you could easily do them in 2 semesters. They admit solely on GPA so if you get great grades on the 5 pre-reqs you're golden. I know someone at Langara right now & they're very happy with the program. The A&P courses in most colleges all transfer but it seems in every school they're very full. You need v good high school grades to get a top registration spot in the colleges so you can get into those classes.

For direct entry from high school if you want to stay in the Lower Mainland, consider University of Fraser Valley. (Trinity Western does BSN direct too I think but of course it's private & religious). And yeah, UBC-Okanagan takes direct entry. I'm not sure about how this would all look if you're moving to the US. Offhand I'd tend to say that UBC has better brand name recognition. In Canada it seems to me nobody really cares where you did your BSN but taking it abroad might change that and a bigger university name might be worth it.


Thank you for the insightful and detailed response, definitely is helping me get a better understanding of the different schools and options.

UBC's nursing students do not have the best reputation amongst hospitals. I have family members who are health care professionals and they made a point to steer me more towards other schools, particularly BCIT. This is just what I have been told, I have no personal experience with UBC's program.

UBC is Canada's highest rated university nursing school in the Macleans university rankings for 2017.

From my one of my family member's personal experience training nurses from UBC, they are very book smart but have poor hands on skills. It's the reputation amongst the local hospitals, not the universities I am referring to. I however would not know, it is simply a tidbit of information to consider, not necessarily accept. I'm sure many people would be surprised to hear anything negative about their schools. Various opinions exist and they're not all necessarily wrong just because they're not all the same :)

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