Advice what to do????

U.S.A. California


I am exhausted from sending out numerous applications, driving handing in apllications, making rounds to Nurse managers offices to introduce myself, and calling billions of stiffs. I graduated in may 2008, super excited to be starting my new carrer as a nurse, as it's my passion to work with people ever since I can remember, but it a has been over a year now and I am at a crossroads in my search now. I don't know what to do, when is it time to give up with the search and start something different? I am poor, jobless and hopeless right could anyone shed some light on this super dark situtation.


Lost and confused nurse

As said in other forums, have you tried LTC? Medical offices? I'm a new grad (6/09) with no job as well. Don't give up. If you're in dire need of money, maybe you can pick up a different job for the time being (e.g. cashier, bagger, etc). I know that probably doesn't sound appealing at all, but you of all people know as well as I do, that you worked your *** off getting your RN degree and passing boards. YOU CAN do this and YOU WILL get through this! It feels like the bottom of the pits right now, but the only direction now is UP.

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