ASU Summer of 2011 applicants!

U.S.A. Arizona


hello all you asu nursing hopefuls,

well, i decided to start this thread to get all of the arizona state bsn majors that are applying for the 16-month summer program starting in may of 2011 together. i went to the advancement workshop on 11/12/2010 and saw so many people there. i can't even imagine how many people will be applying. with only 100 seats open, it's going to be tough, although that's probably an understatement. the advancement scores for summer cycles have been lower than the traditional 24-month program in the past, but with all the changes that asu decided to make :uhoh3:, i think things will be different this time around. i don't think my chances are very good compared to other applicants. i have a 3.81 gpa... realistically, i'll probably have to get like a 92% on the teas to be competitive against students that have a 4.0, which seems like most do. i don't think that's possible...but i gotta stay optimistic. with replacement course for sciences being virtually impossible to take (seeing how you need so many pre-reqs for them which the nursing program doesn't require), i'm starting to worry:crying2: .however, all i can do is study my butt of for the teas and see what happens.

anyhoo..... feel free to share comments and stories, ask questions, and connect with other students that are applying for the summer 2011 program. this is just a way for us to get through the long wait until april arrives and to provide encouragement for each other. :heartbeat

Hey everyone!!!

I just got back from taking my TEAS! I got a 90.7% :yeah:

I was supposed to take it on Friday, but I had a faulty computer that would not let me start the test. Instead, I sat in my little cubicle for 40 minutes while everyone else started theirs. It was so nerve-racking! They asked me to reschedule to Monday. I guess it wasn't a bad thing :)

I am happy with my score, but also somewhat disappointed just because I felt like I could have scored higher. I was SOOO-> nervous when I began! My mind was in a complete jumble. I made silly mistakes in reading and got an 85.7%..

I got a 96.7, 91.7, and a 90.0 in Math, Science, and English respectively.

I am scared that my score won't be good enough or I will be on the borderline for Mayo!

Energizer, do you know of any other people who are applying to Mayo and what their scores are? What do you think the cut off will be? I will have a 5.814.


About half of my friends and the people I've talked to have marked Mayo as their first choice... but that doesn't say much because the amount of people I talk to compared to the amount of people who are applying is very small.

To be honest, I have absolutely no idea what the cutoff for Mayo will be. My advisor says Mayo usually goes to people within the top 40 applicants (so about half mark Mayo as their first choice). So really, who knows what the score of the 40th applicant will be? It's just a waiting game from here!

Hi everyone, I am in the Mayo Clinic program right now (accepted Fall 2010)! I can't wait to have a whole new batch of students there :) Just to let you know, once ASU gave us our final application review we got our letters earlier than they had told us so keep checkin the mailbox! Good luck to everyone applying, believe me the wait doesn't seem so bad when you finally get that acceptance letter!!!

Today is the big day! Good luck to everyone! Hopefully we will know soon the correct number of applicants! :eek:

Wishing everyone good luck! Here is a list of scores I have so far:

emtjeremy- 5.464

sea3347- 5.534

nursing student21-5.556

Rach2012- 5.574

Ty B- 5.576

Tgirl- 5.640

mjmcwhirter- 5.82


energizerbunny19- 5.86

I actually have a 5.814, but I wish it was a 5.84! :)

Good luck everyone!!

I am so nervous! I wish we could know how many people applied. I don't know what to expect. I want to try to stay positive, but I just don's know if my 5.556 is going to cut it here :confused:

Good luck everyone!

Mine is 5.72

Good luck to everyone!!

Hi everyone, I am in the Mayo Clinic program right now (accepted Fall 2010)! I can't wait to have a whole new batch of students there :) Just to let you know, once ASU gave us our final application review we got our letters earlier than they had told us so keep checkin the mailbox! Good luck to everyone applying, believe me the wait doesn't seem so bad when you finally get that acceptance letter!!!

Hi. I am hoping to get into the Mayo program for the summer of 2011. Since you are already there, can you give me an idea of what a typical week's schedule looks like for the first semester. I have a family and am trying to do some planning for their care.

Any info about class time, study time, clinical time etc would be helpful. thanks so much!

Hey mammabear, good luck at getting in! The Mayo program is sooooo much fun! As of right now my group of 20 (Jr2) had classes usually from 8 to 2 and lab lasting from around 8 to 5. We had Mondays and the weekends off. Our clinicals for Jr 1 were on Fridays and for the last 4 weeks of the semester were on Saturday and Sunday! Now I am not exactly sure what your groups schedule will be like because the group ahead of us (Sr2) has mainly evening and night classes.

This semester as a Jr2, we have only Sundays and one other day off for the first half of the semester and only Sundays for the second half! The education person at Mayo is very prompt about giving you your next semesters schedule. (we already know our summer schedule)

School work will take up a lot of your time! Some people in our class have jobs and are married, so it is definitely doable but it will be difficult. It's so worth it though.

It's a great program because since there are only 20 people in your class you get a lot of individualized attention from the teachers (who are all mainly Mayo RN's who are currently working at the hospital). With such a small group, you also have 19 other people you can call or text anytime!

If you have any other questions, I'm here to answer :)

Thanks so much for the info. You seem very happy in the program. I am very excited about the opportunity and will keep you posted about the outcome of this summer's application process.

Hey mamabearj, If you don't mind sharing, what is your advancement score?

I can't wait till we get our letters!! :yeah:

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