1 year FNP program--does it exist?


Anyone? Vanderbilt does three semesters, BUT it is only for adult NP.

Specializes in Emergency, Case Management, Informatics.
Anyone? Vanderbilt does three semesters, BUT it is only for adult NP.

I've been looking hard at Vandy myself, and I have yet to find an NP specialty longer than 3 semesters/39 credits. In fact, I'm looking at the Peds page right now at http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/nursing/msn/pednp.html and both subspecialties are 3 semesters/39 credits (one year).

Specializes in Ortho, Med surg and L&D.
Anyone? Vanderbilt does three semesters, BUT it is only for adult NP.


If you already have your generalist MSN then yeah, my school has a three full time quarter FNP, (however, it is not likely that anyone does it full time).


p.s. working on my two year generalist masters through a master's entry program

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