Yale GEPN CNM - how to be a stand-out applicant?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


This is a question for anyone who has applied to, been accepted to, or is/was a student in the Yale GEPN CNM specialty program. What makes a desirable applicant, and is there anything else I can do to increase my chances of being accepted?

I'm preparing to apply this fall - I'm taking my GREs (again, 14 years after the first time) and the A & P pre-reqs. I've worked for a women's health practice doing patient care, done community relations (marketing) for a large health care organization (that had serious issues with their women's health care, and so became the focus of much of my work), I've trained as a doula and attended 5 births, had two children of my own, and I am a certified yoga teacher specializing in yoga for women.

I've wanted to go back to school for a nursing/CNM degree for the last 10 years, but have been raising children, working, and lived too far away from a college where I could take my pre-reqs. All of these factors have changed and the time is right now. Will my lack of direct patient-care work in the last 10 years adversely affect my application?

Thanks for you help!

Yoga Mom...

Don't sell yourself short... you just listed that you've done Doula training and worked in patient care at a women's health practice... this IS direct patient care, no?

I'm sure your life is crazed with kids... but if you're looking at applying for next year, is there any chance you could do a few days of shadowing a CNM somewhere local? A lot of hospitals and other clinics let you do this if you plan ahead -- most are happy to help a prospective student. Or could you resume with your Doula work (if you aren't currently?)

sounds like you're doing all the right things -- i'm not going for CNM but acute care -- sorry if that's not specific enough. but in terms of being a stand-out applicant... know WHY you want to be a CNM & be very comfortable explaining that in an interview setting & in writing... KNOW your strengths & weaknesses, be ready with examples, and show how you're going to tackle the program (especially with extra responsibilities like a family)... these aren't meant to sound obnoxious, just things I wish I had thought about a little more before my interview. They sound basic, but I think I was freaked out enough that day that all my answers flew out of my head!

Hope (at least some) of this helps : )


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