Published Sep 23, 2015
13 Posts
Hello all! I am applying to WSU (Spokane) BSN program this winter for Fall 2016 and I was just wondering if there was anyone else also applying and if so, what is your GPA? I think I am in good standing now but with the application coming up I guess my nerves are getting the better of me!! If anyone has any information on the whole process (like those of you that applied for Fall 2015 or spring 2016) any advice would be wonderful!
22 Posts
Hey! I just started WSU Spokane nursing school this semester (fall 2015). The GPA cut off for interviews for my class was roughly around a 3.4. Interview is extremely relaxed and is no big deal at all! Biggest thing for WSU is to keep your GPA up. Not sure who your advisor is, but I had April and she is an amazing resource and is great at calming nerves!
Thank you for the info and congrats at getting into the program! I heard the interview is pretty relaxed and I'm not too worried about that just more concerned about actually getting an interview. Where did you do your prereqs?
I did mine at WSU Pullman. As long as you do fine on TEAS test (use ATI practice book to study) and have a 3.5 GPA or above and are comfortable during interviews (helps if you have experience to talk about; like CNA or volunteering) you have nearly no worries!
Thank you! If you don't mind me asking what was your TEAS and GPA. I'm at a 3.8 overall right now but I haven't finished all my classes yet and I haven't taken the TEAS test.
GPA was like 3.92 and I scored 99th percentile on TEAS test, which I believe was a 91.
One piece of advice I'd give is to get your CNA, and work as one if you can (even if it's just 4 hours a week). It makes the first few weeks of nursing school much smoother.
210 Posts
GPA was like 3.92 and I scored 99th percentile on TEAS test, which I believe was a 91. One piece of advice I'd give is to get your CNA, and work as one if you can (even if it's just 4 hours a week). It makes the first few weeks of nursing school much smoother.
Did most of your classmates have that high of a GPA or TEAS score?
No. Most TEAS were high 70s or low-mid 80s. Most GPAs of my friends was like 3.7, but one of my friends had 3.38ish. She got denied initially, got an interview one day before they were held, but did not get into nursing school.
Did they say why they denied her? The 3.7 and your GPA both seem pretty high. I'd be curious to see what people put down for their other sections (experiences, achievements, referral...).
The only thing WSU looks at is your GPA, TEAS, and interview score. There's no referrals or achievements. Most likely she was cut for GPA, as she had year experience of CNA and was very personable so I'm sure the interview went well. The school doesn't say why anyone is cut. My advisor roughly put it 30% is nursing GPA (10 required courses) 15-20% is overall GPA, 10-15% is TEAS, and 40% is interview score. (These aren't actual percentages just roughly how scores are weighted). I'd say if you have 3.5 or above, have teas score in 80s, and can do an interview, you are looking pretty good. Really go hard at your classes and enjoy free time while you still have it!
5 Posts
Anyone else interviewing tomorrow? What are you bringing and wearing?